Progressive Radio Network

Gary Null Show

The Gary Null Show - 12.14.22


  1. Corp. Reporters United In Hate For Superior Journalist Matt Taibbi (8:00)
  2. Joe Rogan & Matt Taibbi: EXPOSE The WOKE Media Machine! They’re False Reporting & Outrage Farming!! (7:58)
  3. Psychologist debunks 8 myths of mass scale | Todd Rose (10:00)
  • Study shows vitamin D deficiency could increase older people’s risk of losing muscle strength by as much as 78%
  • PQQ and CoQ10 reverse mitochondrial dysfunction plus chronic disease symptoms
  • A Mediterranean diet not only boosts health, but also improves fertility
  • Study reveals how racism takes its toll on the brain and body
  • Frequent Cell Phone Use Linked to Anxiety, Lower Grade, Reduced Happiness in Students
  • Berry compounds’ heart health benefits linked to impact on platelets