1. 5 Signs a Civilization is about to Fail (6:18)
2. What’s in the Pfizer Documents? | Naomi Wolf (Start @ 3:27)
3. The Cover-Up: How Pfizer and Biontech FALSIFIED lab results in order to bring vaccines to market
4. Ed Dowd – “Cause Unknown”: The Epidemic of Sudden Deaths | Part 1 Of 2 (2:29)
- Blues-busters: Study shows blueberry juice antioxidants ease stress
- Omega-3s may lower homocysteine levels, but B vitamins enhance the effects
- Listening to music during pregnancy benefits baby brain’s ability to encode speech sounds, finds study
- People who think positively about aging are more likely to recover memory
- Joint hypermobility linked to folate deficiency
- Sedentary time may significantly enlarge adolescents’ heart