Progressive Radio Network

Gary Null Show

The Natural Nurse and Dr Z: Chinese Herbs for Colds and Flu

Join Hosts, Ellen Kamhi PhD RN, The Natural Nurse® and Dr. Eugene Zampieron, ND, AHG , as  they discuss herbal formulas have been used for hundreds if not thousands of years to help people keep their immune system strong , and either prevent or shortened an upper respiratory infection ,cold or flu.

The Wei qi is  the ‘force field’ which is understood by traditional Chinese medicine to keep us free from external disease-causing influences and pathogens .

In modern times, we call it our greater defensive system, which includes The lymph, spleen, white blood cells of the immune system, and even the vast GI system, including stomach acids, M cells of the GI Tract, the Liver and kupffer cells, and the Gut microbiome.

On todays show, the hosts will discuss this elaborate system from Chinese and modern day viewpoints and will discuss formulas such as Jade windscreen, Gan mao ling, Yin Chiao, and other approaches to keep strong and well, as Northerners transition into the colder months.

Contact:    Ellen Kamhi PHD, RN, AHN-BC, RH(AHG)

                  Dr. Eugene Zampieron, ND, AHG