Progressive Radio Network


Is Canada on the path to totalitarianism? - Antonia Zerbisias

Last Tuesday, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP),announced that they had made a series of arrests over the previous weekend at Montreal’s Pierre Elliott Trudeau Airport.

The operation was carried out “in order to disrupt the plans of 10 young Montreal residents suspected of wanting to leave the country to join jihadist groups”.

Interestingly, the arrests coincided almost to the day with the release of the government’s “2014 Public Report On The Terrorist Threat To Canada“, which focused on “travel abroad for terrorism-related purposes”.

In any case, the Montreal detainees, most of whom are ostensibly minors, were not identified. Nor were they jailed or charged.

But their passports were confiscated and, while the conditions of their release were not detailed, we can assume that their parents will be taking away their social media privileges to keep them from being further “radicalised”.

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