UN 1 – Receiving the Environmentalist of the Decade Award from the Margaret Mead’s Foundation, Earth First
UN 2 – Receiving the Environmentalist of the Decade Award from the Margaret Mead’s Foundation, Earth First
UN 3 – Receiving the Environmentalist of the Decade Award from the Margaret Mead’s Foundation, Earth Firs
actv1 Page 24 – Gary at a lecture against the over-diagnosing and over-medicating of chronic illnesses
actv1 Page 27 – Leading a demonstration in front of the US capital to protect our freedom of choice.
DSC00783 – Receiving an award for 45 years of work helping the citizens of Harlem with health issues
DSC00785 – Receiving an award for 45 years of work helping the citizens of Harlem with health issues
protest1 – Gary in front of the NY Atty General’s office leading a protest against the overmedication of children
DSC00782 – Receiving an award for 45 years of work helping the citizens of Harlem with health issues