Progressive Radio Network


Activism Works: White House Announces New GMO Regulation Plan - Anthony Gucciardi

Will activism once again turn the tide in the political battle for GMO transparency? Following millions of concerned individuals speaking out over Monsanto’s monopoly of the food supply, the White House has officially announced that it will be rolling out a new ‘GMO regulation’ plan that could radically change the current food supply.

In a recent announcement that you probably missed, as it was released just before the Fourth of July weekend on theWhite House website, the White House finally declared that a new review on the current GMO regulation laws is being launched. Regulation laws that have not been changed since 1992, when biotech juggernauts did not have nearly the firm grasp on the food supply that they do today.

In other words, the 1992-based regulations are completely outdated, and the White House is being forced to (maybe) do something about it. And before you say that it will never happen, remember that it was our activism that forced the federal government to lower water fluoridation levels for the first time in 50 years. Once again, we are seeing our activism pay off in the form of action.

Now, this new GMO regulation memorandum promises to:

  • Develop new regulations that would clearly delegate responsibilities among the different agencies (which would be helpful, as the USDA and FDA now simply juggle back responsibility for GMOs like it’s a hot plate)
  • Create a ‘long-term’ strategy to increase transparency in the regulation process of GMOs
  • Securing an independent analysis of the future of the biotech industry

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