Progressive Radio Network


Almost all American Grains Are Contaminated with Glyphosate Herbicide

Glyphosate, the most common active ingredient in herbicides world-wide, has been linked to various health problems, from gluten intolerance [1] to autism [2], and most recently cancer [3].

It is well-known that herbicides with glyphosate are sprayed on genetically modified crops that have been engineered to withstand the herbicide without killing the plant. Those wishing to avoid ingesting glyphosate were told to just avoid GMO foods.

However, it is less well-known that glyphosate is also applied to non-GMO crops, specifically grains such as wheat and oats. It allows the farmers to harvest these crops much quicker.

As this article from Ken Roseboro at Ecowatch reports, it is now nearly impossible to eat products made from these grains without ingesting glyphosate. In addition, an investigation byHealthy Traditions [4] in late 2014 showed that even USDA certified organic grains were also contaminated with glyphosate [5]. Residue amounts of the herbicide are actually allowed by USDA organic standards.

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