Alternative Visions – Central Banks, Negative Rates, and the Growing Fragile Global Economy – 02.12.16

Jack reviews US Federal Reserve Chair, Janet Yellen’s, testimony to Congress this past week. Her overestimation of the health of the US economy and underestimation of the crisis in the global economy are noted, and special attention given to her statement that ‘negative interest rates’ are being prepared for in the US. The logic behind the $6 trillion in negative rates to date in Europe and Japan is debunked. And the negative consequences for the global economy from negative rates are explained. Central banks have gone too far, too long and are now trapped by their own policies, making the global economy worse by the day. Jack reviews evidence of the banking system beginning to crack in Europe (key banks there in trouble) and provides a summary of the ‘global financial fault lines’ from chapter 11 of his recent book, ‘Systemic Fragility in the Global Economy’, and his take on the most vulnerable financial markets. Also addressed is why the US working class is orienting toward Trump (45-54 age group) and Sanders (18-34) with serious implications for the Democrat and Republican establishments.


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