Alternative Visions – National Day of Action against Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) Free Trade Deal – 04.17.15

Jack Rasmus welcomes grass roots organizers, Emmelle Israel of the AFL-CIO and Kali Gochmanofsky of Citizenstrade, who are helping to organize opposition to the pending passage in Congress of ‘fast track’ and the TPP, the Trans Pacific Partnership free trade agreement.  Emmelle and Kali describe what’s going on with  today’s (Saturday April 18) national day of actions against the free trade agreement and where listeners can go to participate today, Saturday, April 18, and in days to follow.  The participants explain how TPP will destroy jobs, lower wages, undermine environmental conditions, weaken human rights, and further limit democratic rights in the USA that are already being limited. Jack explains how TPP represents the early stage in the formation of a global Corporate Government system, preventing elected US representatives from proposing legislation in the future that contradicts the TPP deal terms in any way, as well setting up an alternative global corporate judicial system that takes precedence over US courts.  Why TPP has become the #1 priority of US multinational corporations since last November’s midterm US elections, and why corporations see it as a ‘now this year or never’ objective and key to the Corporate America agenda in 2015. Jack discusses as well the strategic role of TPP in the USA’s plans to ‘pivot’ to Asia to contain China. Failure to pass TPP means deep problems for the political and military side of the ‘pivot’. Emmelle and Kail describe today’s pending grass roots protests, rallies, and other actions against TPP, and explain what listeners can, and should, do today to protest as a critical ‘fast track’ legislation that is pending in Congress this coming week.

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Listeners are encouraged for more information on where and how to participate in the fight against the TPP, to go to:


or telephone 1-855-712-8441

Emmelle Israel is field Communications Representative for the western region of the AFL-CIO.  Kali Gochmanofsky is the Southern California regional organizer for CitizensTrade mobilizing against the TPP.