Progressive Radio Network

Ask Beatty

Ask Beatty – 04.28.20

1.  Tips for keeping ourselves safe and sane during this challenging time.  Let’s remember that there are many things that we can DO that will make our day to lives a bit easier every day. So let’s embrace the things that we do have control over!  And science offers a simple and effective way to bolster our own emotional health.   To help yourself, start by helping OTHERS!!!
2.  My guest today is Carey Davidson, Founder and CEO of Tournesol, Ayurvedic Nutritionist, Reiki Master and Author of the newly released Simon and Schuster book, The Five Archetypes:  Discover Your True Nature and Transform Your Life and Relationships. Carey explains that by knowing the personality traits associated with each type, you can actually start to hone your self-awareness and self-regulations skills in the face of day to day stress, learn how to exercise more control over behaviors that thwart your potential and understand what really makes people tick so that you spend less time in stagnant relationships and more time in gratifying ones.
To Life and Love and Keeping Ourselves Sane and Safe,