The divorce rate for first marriages is 48%
63% of second marriages end in divorce
72% of third marriages end in a divorce court
Beatty talks about the 3 things that people need to DO in order to find a healthy and longlasting relationship like a marriage.
Her 2 guests today have been written up in the New York Times…They Divorced, Then Became Gurus of Dating and after their own divorces have set up businesses that help divorced men and women to start over.
AMY NOBLE is an Oprah featured 4X author. Her latest book is Just When You’re Comfortable in Your Own Skin, it Srarts to Sag- Reinventing Midlife.
LOVE AMY was born out of getting a divorce and being thrown into the dating scene after a 20 year marriage. She lives in NYC with her 2 teenagers.
Her website is LOVEAMY.CO
LISA DREYER divorced with 2 children is founder and owner of DIVORCE MINDER, a full service firm for divorced men who found themselves in upheaval trying their best to make their jobs and their children their priority, while trying to make a home that was welcoming to their children, their friends and the next chapter in their lives.
To Love and Life and Starting Over,