Progressive Radio Network

Ask Beatty

Ask Beatty – 09.17.19

My Weekly Reminder…..Be Mindful of How You are Living Your Life!
Every week the first 10 minutes of my ASK BEATTY SHOW summarizes all of the things that we need to DO to keep ourselves emotionally, psychologically and physically healthy.
1.  In the last 48 hours have you been engaging in activities that are good for you or have you been engaging in behaviors and relationships that are destructive and self-destructive to your well-being?  Be honest with yourself.
If you are being good to yourself, continue to do so.  If not, when and what steps  are you you prepared to take to put your life and your relationships on a more positive course?
2.    My guests today are Jane H. Goldman and Cheryl Benton.
Jane is a renaissance woman and is the author of With No Regrets-Getting Older”  Face It, Live It, Love It, published by Three Tomatoes Publishing (2019).  Jane reveals universal fears and thoughts about growing older and freeing ourselves from the expectations of others. For a number of years, Jane was General- Counsel Vice President of Warner Bros Distributing Corporation and thereafter, litigation counsel to its parent company Time Warner Inc. She now pursues and lives her passions which include painting, sculpting, music and writing.  She also won a Drama Desk Award as associate producer of the long running show Celebrity Autobiography, which recent had its Broadway debut.  She earned her law degree from NYU.
Cheryl is the founder/publisher of the Three Tomatoes, a lifestyle media platform for grownup women, which she started after a successful career in advertising.  Three Tomatoes celebrates women at every age and stage of our lives.  She is the author of a novel, Can You See Us Now? and co-author of Martini Wisdom. She recently launched the Three Tomatoes Publishing Services to help women get published.  “Women’s voices and stories, especially as we get older, need to be told”, says Benton.