Progressive Radio Network

Ask Beatty

Ask Beatty – 09.28.15

Did Pope Francis’s visit impact you in terms of how you might treat others more lovingly and respectfully?  Did his powerful messages  about injustice, inequality, mass incarceration, poverty and racism touch you on a deep level?
Beatty also talked about recent research that demonstrated how technology is interfering and potentially destroying our personal connections. (If we let it!)
She stressed the importance of our taking ACTION if we are serious about improving the quality of our lives and relationships.
And finally, Beatty will be on a panel ,”Does Sexy Have An Expiration Date?” on October 13th 2015, from 6-9 pm at the Hungarian Consulate in New York City.  She stressed the importance of not allowing anyone, (including the media) to tell you if or how often you should be having sex.