Progressive Radio Network

Ask Beatty

Ask Beatty – 11.27.18

1.  Are you committed to doing these 20 things that will make your life happier?

2.  How effective is psychotherapy? The results of a variety of studies may surprise you.
3.  My guests today are 2 extraordinary women.
They have successfully turned their adversity and trauma into establishing organizations and programs to help individuals who are coping with HIV, intimate partner abuse, sexual abuse, molestation,  incest, homelessness,  hunger and other horrific circumstances.
Meet Catherine Wyatt-Morley, who founded the first and oldest HIV-POSITIVE women’s support group in Middle TN.   She also established Women Maintaining Education and Nutrition,  W.O.M.A.N. a singular 25 year old service organization found , organized and administered by an African American,  internationally acclaimed  author and mother living with AIDS in the south.
Her daughter Jalyon Welsh-Cole, a survivor of incest, is the Executive Director of Women on Maintaining Education and Nutrition since 2015.  Author of numerous poems, she uses a strategic mindset to deliver her personal ‘lived experience ‘ in pinning the Epilogue Burning House to I Am the Product of Rape- a Memoir.  She has been determined to make an impact in reducing child and sexual assault through education,  speaking up and taking action on behalf of others.
To Life and Love,