Progressive Radio Network

Ask The Blood

Ask The Blood Detective - "Your Best Diet" - 02.04.17

The best diet next line join Dr. WALD as he presents a fascinating exploration into what he believes is his secrets to figuring out, “Your Best Diet” – is it Macrobiotic, gluten-free, GMO-free, vegan, vegetarian, food combining, elimination, glycemic index, blood type, etc.? .Dr. WALD present evidence why all of these and other fad diets are wrong!  He’ll walk you through strategies for determining, Your Best Diet now!  Dr. WALD is director of Integrated Nutrition of Mount Kisco located in Westchester New York 60 minutes north of New York City. To become a patient of Dr. Wald call his office at 914-242-8844. Email him at in**@bl************.com or In**@In*******************.com.  His website is:

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