Could your health problems be the result of a hidden autoimmune process? Have your doctors told you that your lab work is a sensually normal, but you still suffer from all sorts of symptoms that are seemingly unconnected? Tune into Dr. Michael Wald on his upcoming show, Everything Autoimmune for answers. Dr. Wald, the blood detective will discuss how autoimmunity works in the body and what if any dietary, nutritional supplement and other lifestyle means might effectively interfere and potentially reverse distractive autoimmune changes. Start feeling better today and listen to Dr. Michael Wald, The Blood Detective on, Ask The Blood Detective, every Saturday at 1 PM on Send your questions and show topic ideas to: info at Integrated nutrition and or email Dr. WALD at in**@in*********************.com. To schedule an appoint with Dr. WALD call Integrated Nutrition at 914-242-8844.