Progressive Radio Network


Ask The Blood Detective - Healthy Diet Dangers - 01.13.18

From A-Z Dr. Michael Wald, host of Ask The Blood Detective, practically reviews what works and what does not work about the most popular diets. From the Paleo to Ketogenic, Gluten Free, Plant Based, Vegan, Food Combining, Mediterranean Diet, Ph-Balancing Diet and others Dr. Wald uncovers the truths and lies about these diets. Dr. Wald also reveals what lab tests can tell you the positives and negatives of these diets. Most importantly, Dr. Wald tells you how to figure out how you should eat. Dr. Wald is director of nutrition at Integrated Nutrition of Mount Kisco located an hour North of New York City. Schedule an appointment with Dr. Wald by calling: 914-552-1442 and speak with him directly. Email Dr. Wald at: in**@Bl************.com. Send your show ideas!



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