Progressive Radio Network


Ask The Blood Detective - “How To Use, Combine And Time Your Nutritional Supplements For Optimal Affects" - 06.03.17

If you take oral nutritional supplements of any type then you MUST listen to Dr. Wald, The Blood Detective!  Join Dr. Michael Wald, host of Ask The Blood Detective, as he walks you through the simple and essential steps to create the best balance of nutritional supplements. Don’t waste your time and money taking dozens of pills when Dr. Wald can show you have to combine your nutritional supplement to enhance their effects, to reduce the number of pills, capsules and powders or liquids that you may be taking – and make your life easier. Join Dr. Michael Wald, DC Board Certified Nutritionist and host of, Ask The Blood Detective, as he explores the hidden secrets of topical nutrition. Both practical and scientific tips and evidence will be thoroughly reviewed. Dr. Wald is nutrition director of Integrated Nutrition of Mount Kisco located 1 hour North of NYC. He can be reached at: 914-552-1442/ and emailed at: in**@bl************.com

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