Progressive Radio Network

Climate Change

ASTRID CALDAS - No Need To Wait for the Future: Global Warming Impacts Are Happening Right Here, Right Now.

One thought hit me today, and it was not a very optimistic one. I thought that one may get so used to the fact that that month after month temperature records are being broken, that the issue of global warming would somehow become an afterthought, or a “cry wolf” phenomenon. After all, it is happening every month, right? Therefore, one would not give much thought to the fact that yet another month followed suit – NASA just released its global August measurement, and the value was 0.98⁰C (1.76⁰F) above the August 1951-1980 baseline average and 0.16⁰C (0.29⁰F) warmer than the previous warmest August, 2014. In fact, August 2016 tied July 2016 as the warmest month ever on record.

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