Progressive Radio Network


Behind Bilderberg, Trilateral: the Globalists have a major problem by Jon Rappoport

Stay with me on this one. You’ll see what the powers-that-be are really worried about.

You can roll up Bilderberg, the Trilateral Commission, the Council on Foreign Relations, the World Trade Organization, NAFTA, and the several current trade treaties nearing completion… you can insert all these Rockefeller Globalist forces into one great corporate agenda, and…

There is a problem. A problem for Globalism. This is, behind the scenes, what the titans of control are whispering about.

It starts here: understand that mega-corporations are the instruments of world domination. They move into countries where cheap labor, land, and resources are abundant, and they take over. This is what they’re meant to do. This is the plan.

Intelligence agencies and armies may precede them, but the corporations are the most capable organizations on the planet, when it comes to exercising enduring control.

The top three or four hundred corporations are responsible for at least 25% of all world trade.

However… here is the rub. As Globalist policies allow corporations to shut down domestic factories in industrialized countries and open up those same factories in places where slave wages are the order of the day; as tariffs on imported goods are canceled, killing off businesses that try to compete with mega-corporations; as leading economies decline…

The consumer base for these mega-corporations shrinks.

To put it simply, the corporations sell products. They need buyers. All over the world.

The top manufacturing corporations are running their assembly lines at about half-capacity. They could produce much, much more of what they sell.

But only a tenth of the world population has the means to buy these products.

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