Doom and gloom “porn”, this is the new troll term to describe the realities being described by those who use math and pure logic to derive conclusions. What other conclusions can one come to than “it’s been a great ride but it’s nearly over”? We are only a week away from the Fed meeting where interest rates may come off of “zero” (I dare them). Just reported was an unemployment rate at 5.1% …while 47 million Americans are on food assistance. Totally “unexpected” was the chemical “explosion of the week” in China Another Chinese Chemical Plant Explodes, Huge Clouds Of Black Smoke Billow Skyward.
I ask, what happens when you raise interest rates on a wobbly creditor (system) living day to day shuffling funds around just to settle? What happens when one of these well known creditors cannot and do not “settle”? I am talking of course about derivatives. You know, those wonderful contracts that allow creditors (even entire countries like Greece, Italy etc.) to hide true debt because they are “insured”. What happens when the insurance does not pay or the insurer goes broke?