Progressive Radio Network


Billions of mysterious creatures dead along West Coast — Expert: Death totals are staggering, “it’s got to be billions”

Billions of Blue Jellyfish Wash Up on American Beaches… In recent weeks, about a billion jellyfish-like “purple sailors” have washed up on West Coast beaches… The jellies started washing up on Oregon and Washington State beaches four to six weeks ago… Then they started showing up in California…

KOMO, Apr 17, 2015: There’s an unusual sea creature being pushed ashore from the Baja to the Bering Sea… beachcombers are finding something blue that’s out of ordinary. “This is something that doesn’t happen here very often.” For almost a month now a jellyfish like creature called the velella velella has been washing up by the millions… [Witnesses] have never seen anything like it.

KSBW, Apr 15, 2015: Billions of creatures wash ashore in California— Piles of sea animals have been washing ashore of late… These creatures are all over right now… changing the landscape of local beaches… [Biologist Steve Haddock] says the death totals are staggering… “It’s got to be billions.” He says the animals are blowing ashore as far north as Washington and as far south as Pismo Beach [Calif.].

The Weather Channel, Apr 16, 2015:Billions of Mysterious Creatures on Beach — Billions of Velella Velella jellyfish are washing on shore along the West Coast… Strong winds and above average sea surface temperatures are killing off this unusual animal in large numbers.

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