Progressive Radio Network

Black Agenda Radio

Black Agenda Radio 05.24.21

Welcome to the radio magazine that brings you news, commentary and
analysis from a Black Left perspective. I’m Margaret Kimberley, along with my co-host
Glen Ford. Coming up: When millions marched for justice for George Floyd, corporate
philanthropy put millions of dollars in the hands of Black Live Matter founders. We’ll
explore the effect all that money had on the Movement. It’s not your grandmother’s
capitalism anymore. People now examine the role that race plays in the class conflict.
And, Blacks in the US are less likely to battle the cops, these days, than two
generations ago? We’ll explore how that happened.
But first – the movement for community control of the police is strongest in Chicago,
where the board of Alderman is poised to put the cops under the tightest leash in the
nation. Frank Chapman is executive director of the National Alliance Against Racist and
Political Repression, which leads a strong community control coalition.

That was Frank Chapman, of the National Alliance Against Racist and
Political Repression, speaking from Chicago.

The racial nature of capitalism is now better understood, largely thanks to a rejuvenated
Black liberation movement. Justin Leroy is a professor of History at the University of
California, at Davis, and has co-authored a book titled “Histories of Racial Capitalism.”
Dr. Leroy says the US electoral system leaves the money classes, the capitalists, in
power after every election.

That was Justin Leroy, speaking from the University of California, Davis.

After more than 20 million people protested the killing of George Floyd and other victims
of police repression, last summer, corporate foundations poured millions of dollars into

the accounts of Black Lives Matter founders. Has all that money eroded the
revolutionary character of the Movement? We put that question to Imani Wadud, an
activist and doctoral student in American Studies at the University of Kansas.

That was Imani Wadud, at the University of Kansas.

Author, activist and researcher Elizabeth Hinton’s new book, “America on Fire: The
Untold History of Police Violence and Black Rebellion,” shows that Black urban revolts
have dropped off dramatically since their peak in the early 1970s. Hinton explained why,
in an interview with fellow activist and author Keeanga Taylor.



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