Progressive Radio Network

Black Agenda Radio

Black Agenda Radio – 08.10.15

Mumia Abu Jamal, the nation’s best known political prisoner, has been confirmed to be suffering from hepatitis C, a serious liver disease that doctors believe played a part in his near-death, earlier this year, from diabetic shock. But, the State of Pennsylvania doesn’t provide adequate treatment for prison inmates with Hepatitus C. Attorney Brete Grote says the state’s inaction has caused Abu Jamal’s legal team to file papers in court.

Despite his medical problems, Mumia continues to write regular essays for Prison Radio. Here’s his latest, entitled, “Donald Trump and the Politics of Resentment.”

Nation of Islam Minister Louis Farrakhan is gearing up for the 20th anniversary of the historic Million Man March, October 10th, in Washington, DC. The event will be held under the slogan, “justice or else.” Speaking at the Mount Zion Baptist Church, in Miami, Florida, Farrakhan said Black folks should seek vengeance against their oppressors.

We recently spoke with one of the nation’s most respected human rights movement couples: former political prisoner and people’s lawyer Lynne Stewart, and veteran Black activist Ralph Poynter. Poynter is part of the Black Is Back Coalition, which holds its national conference in Philadelphia August 22nd and 23rd. The Black Is Back Coalition is pushing for Black Community Control of Police.

Efia Nwangaza, director of the Malcolm X Center for Self-Determination, in Greenville, South Carolina, and its community radio station, WMXC, is also a longtime people’s lawyer. Wangaza has taken a leading role in persuading the United Nations to denounce how the U.S. treats prison inmates, especially its massive use of solitary confinement. Last month, to great fanfare, President Obama promised to commission a study on reducing solitary confinement. We asked Efia Nwangaza if she is impressed.

Lastly, Sara Flounders, talks about President Obama uphill battle to prevent Congress from scuttling his deal to cancel massive sanctions against Iran. U.S. sanctions and western war threats against Iran are based on the charge that Iran is developing nuclear weapons. However, in 2007 and again in 2011, all 16 U.S. intelligence agencies unanimously concluded that Iran had no military nuclear program. So, the question is, how do you deal with a U.S. policy on Iran based on lies that even U.S. intelligence agencies don’t believe?


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