Progressive Radio Network


Carnegie Institute's Caldeira comes clean on chemtrails

Noted climate scientist Ken Caldeira of the Carnegie Institute for Science at Stanford has finally popped the question. In an article entitled “One Known Way to Cool the Earth” on the February 16, 2015 USA Today opinion page, Caldeira writes: “There is basically only one way known to cool the Earth rapidly.” He explains the method “”is to reflect more of the sun’s warming rays back to space.”

What will it take to do this? According to Caldeira, only “A small fleet of airplanes could do what large volcanos do — create a layer of small particles high in the atmosphere that scatters incoming sunlight back to space. Cooling the Earth this way, could be fast, cheap and easy.”

The reality is that the U.S. government has been spraying for well over a decade and a half in plain view while attacking anyone pointing it out. They’ve been making a chemical haze of clouds and putting a sunscreen in the sky. Small white planes, some of them associated with Battelle Memorial Institute, have been creating clouds in a criss-cross pattern in the sky.

Worrying about “Chemtrails” is often derided as a tinfoil hat conspiracy but transparency almost broke out when former Congressman Dennis Kucinich actually introduced a bill referring to the elimination of Chemtrails in 2002. He removed the term in a later version of the bill.

In December 2001 I had written an article called “Stormy weather — The government’s top secret efforts to control Mother Nature.” In the story I quoted Caldeira, then a scientist at Lawrence Livermore Labs, who admitted that he had conducted the original computer modeling for the use of chemicals like aluminum oxide to fight global warming.

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