Progressive Radio Network

Ask Beatty

With Beatty Cohan
Ask Beatty:Tune in and hear what Beatty Cohan, nationally recognized psychotherapist, sex therapist, author, speaker, columnist and national radio and television expert guest has to say about love, relationships, sex and issues in the media that really matter to all of us.
She's knowledgeable, insightful, entertaining and honest and is not afraid to be politically incorrect!!

1.  There is a wealth of information about what we all need to DO to remain healthy emotionally,  psychologically, psychiatriclly and physically.   Are you on…
1. Celebrating Martin Luther King Day.  From racism,  poverty, income inequality, mass incarceration and mass deportation, our nation remains in deep denial.    2.  Daily…
1.  Are you staying the course with your 2020 New Year's resolutions?  Take my weekly quiz and find out how well you are doing. 2. …
1. 10 evidence based behaviors that will change the quality of your life and relationships emotionally,  physically and psychologicall forever.  Are you onboard?   2.Your…
MAYBE YOU SHOULD TALK TO SOMEONE ! 1.  Taking stock of your life and relationships.  2. My guest today is  New York Times bestselling  author…
1.  What have we learned  about ourselves and our relationships in 2019?   2.  Are we committed to making positive changes that are in our…
1. What life lessons have you learned in 2019?   2. Are you in the right career?  Take my test and find out.   3. …
1.  Listen to Beatty's clinical analysis of why many people refuse to do what is in their best interest. CASE HISTORIES.    2.  The Crisis…
1.  Are you doing what is in your best interest?       Take my quizz and find out.   2.  A listener asks Beatty how…
1.CASE HISTORY.  An Israeli officer reaches out for help about living in a sexless marriage  2. What researchers have taught us about how Happy Couples…
1.  Assessing your life, lifestyle and relationships. 2.  Microstep Your Way to a Healthier Lifestyle 3.  How Owning a Dog Can Fix Our Democracy 4. …
1..Ask yourself as you go about your days whether you are being good and kind to yourself or whether you are engaging in destructive and…