Progressive Radio Network

Ask Beatty

With Beatty Cohan
Ask Beatty:Tune in and hear what Beatty Cohan, nationally recognized psychotherapist, sex therapist, author, speaker, columnist and national radio and television expert guest has to say about love, relationships, sex and issues in the media that really matter to all of us.
She's knowledgeable, insightful, entertaining and honest and is not afraid to be politically incorrect!!

1.  Your Weekly...How Am I Doing Check-In. 2.  The Lost  Art of Conversation- How It's Destroying Relationships. 3.   The Importance of Embracing a Win/Win Mindset.To…
1.  How Are You Doing This Week?  Be willing to acknowledge and address and resolve issues.     This is the best way to live a happy…
1.  Your weekly CHECK-IN.....HOW AM I REALLY DOING? 2.  My guest today is SONIA SATRA, former Soap Opera star of GUIDING LIGHT and ONE LIFE TO…
1.  Your Weekly Check-In.  How Are You Really Doing? 2.  The Top 5 Regrets People Have When They Die...Lessons To Be Learned..Or Not.  3.  We…
1.  HOW ARE YOU DOING?  Your weekly mental health, relationship/sexuality/physicality/financial check-in.2.  My guest today is Dr. JOHN G. KENNEDY, MD, FRCS, orthopedic surgeon, specializing in REGENERATIVE innovative…
1.  Who's BEATTY COHAN-VRETTOS? 2.  Checking In.  How Are You Doing This Week? 3.  Everything that You Want To Know About Infidelity
1.  How are you doing this week?  Let's check--in!2.  Extramarital Affairs...Should I Stay or Should I Go? 3.  I Love My Spouse...But I Am No…
1.  How Are You Doing?  Your weekly mental health/relationship and sexuality check-in.2.  My guest today is Dr. Deborah Carr, Professor of Sociology at Boston University,…
1.  How Are You Doing?  Your Weekly Check-In. 2.  My guest today is Fred Colby, author of Widower to Widower.  After  his wife died in…
1.  Check In For Your Weekly Mental Health Check-up 2.  The Golden Bachelor Fiasco.  Lessons To Be Learned or Not!
1.  It's a Beautiful Day...How Are YOU Doing? 2.  Are You On a Path to Happiness?  
1.  My weekly..How Am I Really Doing Check-Up.2.  My guest today is Rich Orloff, playwright, actor and poet.  Today we will be discussing Rich's underground…