Progressive Radio Network

Dr. Peter Breggin Hour

Australia’s COVID Tragedy: America is Next Australia is slipping toward becoming a province of China.  Augusto Zimmermann LLB, LLM, PhD is a profound legal historian…
Diana West: Unearthing The Corruption That is Sickening America   Diana West is the author of amazing deep dives into the influence of communism on the…
Stunning Contrasts: US vs Chinese Culture    With Li-Meng Yan, MD, PhD This heroic Chinese physician and virologist, Li-Meng Yan MD, PhD came to America…
Dr. Zev Zelenko: A Hebrew Prophet in Our Time    Vladimir “Zev” Zelenko, MD is a heroic figure on the level of the Hebrew prophets. Dr. Zelenko saved and continues…
Dr. Vliet’s New Truth for Health Foundation Rescuing Patients from Corrupt, Misguided Hospitals   Elizabeth Lee Vliet MD is an outstanding physician, a force in…
Dr. Yan: How China Purposely Released SARS-Cov-2 You will never forget this heroic woman or her interview.  Unbelievably courageous Chinese physician and virus researcher Li-Meng Yan…
Kirk Milhoan, MD, PhD A Hero in a Life of Service              Kirk Milhoan MD, PhD should be and is an American hero—until COVID-19.  He is a…
The Liberation of a Journalist During COVID-19    Kristi Leigh, former TV anchor,  newly independent journalist, in a deeply personal and profoundly political interview, describes her journey from…
COVID Vaccine Breakthrough Info by Dr. Peter McCullough MD, MPH   Peter A. McCullough MD, MPH is the best source of vaccine information in the…
Meet Mark Trozzi MD—A true Hero    Canadian emergency room physician, Mark Trozzi, quickly saw that COVID-19 was more hype than genuine pandemic—a disease no…
Heroic Physicians Create a Lifesaving Foundation Elizabeth Lee Vliet MD, who is a heroic physician, has created a model organization for the survival not only…
Who Is So Urgently Driven to Destroy a Free America?  Why and for How Long?   Diana West, author of American Betrayal, and I explain what is…