Progressive Radio Network

Dr. Peter Breggin Hour

Attorney Jim Gottstein is a human rights hero.  At grave personal and professional risk to himself, he made public the inside information demonstrating that Eli Lilly…
Professor John Read from Great Britain is one of the finest, most dedicated mental health professionals in the world.  His work and today's discussion spans…
Psychiatry Unmasked:  Two Leading Critics Talk.  Peter Gøtzsche, MD and I take a head-on look at the essential flaws and corruption that pervade psychiatry.  Dr. Gøtzsche is the outstanding Danish…
Virologist Judy Mikovits PhD is the author of Plague of Corruption about the industrial misuse and abuse of science.  On the Dr. Peter Breggin Hour, we go at intimidating…
The annual World Benzodiazepine Awareness Day or W-BAD is coming up again.  My guest is Wayne Douglas, co-founder of the event, whose life was overwhelmed by these…
Master Sergeant Troy Drasher had the most difficult, emotionally challenging job I have ever heard of inside or outside the military.  When his air force doc recommended he “take…
Master Sergeant Troy Dasher had the most difficult, emotionally challenging job I have ever heard of inside or outside the military.  When his air force doc recommended he “take…
A Delightful Exposé of Ancient and Modern  Psychiatry Professor of the Classics Michael Fontaine PhD was so interesting and inspiring two weeks ago talking about ancient pandemics that…
With my new format that starts with breaking news, I talk about two new blogs by me and Ginger Breggin.  The first is a highly-researched report…
Today my radio/TV show starts a new format.  The hour begins with my current news and analysis report.  After the report comes an interview or other topics.…
The Most Ancient Plagues:  Lessons for Us in the Midst of Our Covid-19 Epidemic A stunning interview with Professor of Classics Michael Fontaine PhD about historical…
When the Shutdown Makes You Crazy:  At this time in the coronavirus pandemic,  when families are afflicted with so much stress and yet forced to remain together…