Progressive Radio Network

Dr. Peter Breggin Hour

Talking Together: Foolproof  Principles for Great Communication In this time of going stir crazy from the shutdown, this presentation could save your marriage and your family…
A brilliant spontaneous transcontinental conversation between myself and Great Britain’s leading psychiatrist, Joanna Moncrieff.  We start with breaking news about the coronavirus epidemic in Great Britain,…
Epidemic Shame.  The radio/TV sequel to Epidemic Anxiety on the Dr. Peter Breggin hour on Shame is the great leveler, the emotion that knocks down…
Epidemic Anxiety.  A life-changing presentation! I examine the causes and recovery from anxiety of all kinds from the corona virus, global warning and political threats to…
You will be astonished by what you learn from my guest, Commander (R) Mary Neal Vieten PhD. She is the Founder and Director of WarFighter…
Judith A. Reisman PhD is my hero and my guest on this week’s radio/TV hour.  Against enormous opposition, Dr. Reisman exposed the scientific fraud and…
A KEY TO SUCCESSUL LIVING: With my marvelous guests, psychiatrist Pinar Miski MD and nutritionist/physician Pam Popper PhD we discuss perhaps the single most important…
Does Psychiatry Have a Future? Two psychiatrists, Peter R. Breggin, MD and Gail Tasch MD, squarely face the question as it has never been faced before:  Is…
The New Menace that Surpasses Psychiatry My discussion with researcher-filmmakers Aaron and Melissa Dykes will open your mind to what the future holds for all…
"The Best Stuff I've Learned from Life."  On New Year’s Day 2020, Dr. Peter Breggin offers a heartfelt discussion of “The Best Stuff I’ve Ever Learned…
The newest psychiatric abuse of children—the Monarch electrical stimulator applied to the foreheads of kids labelled ADHD—is explained by electrical engineer Ken Castleman, PhD, who…
Psychiatric Drugs: Neurotoxins that Do More Harm than Good. Psychiatric drugs can ruin our quality of life, causing brain damage, cognitive deficits, apathy and withdrawal reactions. Medication…