This radio program brings together leaders in the reform movement in North America to abolish electroshock treatment (ECT). This Saturday May 12 at noon in Toronto…
This was Open Mic Wednesday, the last Wednesday of the month. I start out addressing the fact that psychiatric drugs are neurotoxins. Then I open the mic…
A very challenging show, with my brilliant and enthusiastic guest Jeanne Stolzer, PhD., an award-winning teacher. It is filled with unorthodox but scientific ideas that…
My guest is British psychiatrist Joanna Moncrieff for whom I have deep respect for remaining a caring, pioneering professional and a writer of important books…
An absolutely amazing show with guest and friend Pam Popper, physician and nutritionist, as we discuss our reactions on returning from the recent conference in…
Today's hour is the deepest I have gone in talking about empathy as an intentional listening to, acceptance and understanding of another person. It is…