Today my guest is psychiatrist Penar Miski, MD. In a longer than usual intro, I share many exciting events including the settlement of an important ECT…
Peter Gøtzsche, MD is among the bravest, most ethical and scientifically motivated doctors in the history of medicine and psychiatry. As a result, he is now…
An hour that could change you, helping you climb into the light of a worthwhile life. My audience becomes my guests, with greater callers for the entire…
A rousing hour with my friend and professional partner, Pam Popper, PhD about the state of medicine and psychiatry, conflicts of interest, the on-line course…
With psychologist Michael Corrigan, a very strong show about what do children really need! Michael is a researcher, teacher and author who has devoted his professional…
A wonderful show with someone you really should get to know: Educator Denise Herrenbruck, who this week received the Fifth Honored Guest Blogger Award. She…
Today my audience was my guest and we had many wonderful callers. Many were informative, some were challenging, and several were deeply touching as people shared…
Where are all the young psychiatrists? Well, they are beginning to express themselves. My guest is psychiatrist Pinar Miski, MD, who teaches my live on-line course, “Why…
My guest today is Dr. Ayo Maat, a pastoral counselor and unrelenting activist in Chicago’s inner city. In a far-ranging discussion we look at what people…
My guest is product liability attorney Steve Sheller. Steve is unquestionably one of the strongest, most effective and most feared attorneys in the world—a threat of…