the dr. peter breggin hour – replayed from 12.21.16 Involuntary treatment has led to untold numbers of individual abuses, rampant torture in state hospitals, ECT…
Lawyer and cardiologist Brant Mittler MD is man of enormous insight into the problems of monitoring and evaluating medical and psychiatric treatment, and brims over…
The best one-hour discussion about nutrition available anywhere. Nutritionist Pam Popper PhD discusses why people now have so many medical problems that barely or never existed…
I start this hour by describing an extraordinary attack on my free speech that is currently unfolding surrounding the Michelle Carter suicide-by-texting trial. Please keep track…
Robert E. Wubbolding, EdD is a practitioner of Choice Theory and Reality Therapy developed by psychiatrist William Glasser, who was a close ally and a…
Marriage and family therapists Kermit Cole and Louisa Putnam do a wonderful job sharing experiences as family therapists. They have the unique perspective of a couple…
My guest Dr. Michael Guy Thompson is creating a radically innovative home for people with serious emotional suffering in San Francisco. Called Gnosis Retreat, it breaks completely…
A wonderful hour with psychotherapist Michael Cornwall as we talk about helping people in “extreme states.” These are people, in Michael’s words, who get “medically…
Kim Olver is a coach, counselor and director of the William Glasser Institute. My organization is cosponsoring a great conference with her July 26-29, 2017, including…