Progressive Radio Network

Dr. Peter Breggin Hour

Robert Whitaker, one of the best researchers ever in psychiatry and mental health, talks about why psychiatry has pursued its current state of moral dilapidation.…
My guest Gregory A. Smith, MD talks about his new film, American Addict II, examines the corruption of American society by drug dealers (legal and…
Gina and Bob Nikkel keep us abreast of cutting edge, pioneering work sponsored by the Foundation for Excellence in Mental Health Care, including the Voice…
Jennifer Maurer, fun coach, play coaches me on the air, much to my benefit and very likely for yours as well. Find out the importance…
Jeanne Stolzer and I talk again about love, attachment theory, secrets to life, the origins of anxiety, our relationships with dogs, and what it means…
What is human nature? Psychotherapist and philosopher Mel Schwartz and I differ, as we discuss everything from couples therapy to international politics. Thought-provoking!
About my newest book, Guilt, Shame and Anxiety: Understanding and Overcoming Negative Emotions. These self-defeating emotions are primitive instincts built into us by evolution, but…
We live in unreality created by media in the service of corporations and government. If you doubt this, listen to my guest Jon Rappoport who…
Bonnie Burstow, radical feminist therapist and author calls for the abolition of psychiatry. We talk about that and the kind of society that would empower…
Do dogs teach us how to love? Do they build our self-esteem? Would we be human without dogs? Jeffrey Masson and I in a very…
A denied psychiatric atrocity: psychiatry's organized mass murder of mental patients in Germany was the "entering wedge" for the Holocaust. Jeffrey Masson and I describe…
An amazing, moving, enlightening hour! Jeffrey Masson discloses how Freud denied child abuse to further his own career. Freud’s cowardice in the face of truth…