The use of COVID vaccines in Warfare and Transhumanism Our guest is Karen Kingston, who has worked with consulted to the pharmaceutical industry on how…
Title: Nanotechnology… graphene oxide…bioweapons and fake vaccines… Nanotechnology… graphene oxide…bioweapons and fake vaccines… the Department of Defense… Moderna… Pfizer! My guest, the astonishing science-based Karen…
The Defense Department Controls COVID-19 Shocking but incontrovertible new data demonstrates that the Department of Defense is at the top of the federal organizational board…
The most Threatening Events Amazing, courageous, and hardworking journalist Leo Hohmann and I look at the worst possible contingencies and outcomes for America today and…
How America Fell Victim to a Mass Delusional Psychosis Mark McDonald MD is a psychoanalytically trained psychiatrist from L.A. who has written a remarkable and…
World Health Organization (WHO) Releases Plan to Take Over National Sovereignty The WHO has released proposed amendments to its International Health Regulations (IHRs) that will…
A Nurse, A Scandal, and Project Veritas-- Doing What's Right--Living More Freely! Critical care nurse Jodi O’Malley wanted to take care of her patients and…
Army Medical Officer Blows the Whistle on Genetic Vaccines Physician Samuel Sigoloff, DO refused the genetic vaccines pushed on everyone in the military, and remains…
You Can Triumph in This Time of Treachery: Here’s how! An amazing, beautiful, and funny interview with an amazing, beautiful and funny Australian man, Charles…