Focus on the Facts – 12.05.16

Discussed the depopulation agenda and the disturbing stories and connections between Pizzagate and the Franklin Scandal and the investigation of the world wide pedophile and human trafficking network, with the guest Ruth Goodyear a nurse and mental health professional in Canada who has done recovery work with victims of Satanic ritual abuse.

Focus on the Facts – 11.28.16

Monday’s Focus on the Facts discussed the disturbing stories and connections between Pizzagate and the Franklin Scandal and the investigation of the Washington pedophile network and the politicians involved in the world wide pedophile and human trafficking network, with the guest Amy James, a long time advocate for children’s rights.

Focus on the Facts – 11.14.16

Guest was Kevin Galalae, Founder and Director of the Center for Global Consciousness and the most most informed expert in the world on the UN’s global depopulation agenda and socially engineered genocide with covert chemical and biological agents used all over the world since 1945, including vaccines, Fluoride in water, GMO foods and pesticides, Geoengineering and chem trail spraying.

Focus on the Facts – 10.17.16

The guest was Dr Kenneth Stoller, who discussed the US government’s cover up of all the harm caused by the huge number of mandatory vaccines given to children in the US, including the autism epidemic. He explained why the government refuses to address autism as a national health crisis. There is no doubt in the minds of top officials what’s causing autism, he said, so there is little point in trying to convince them of what they already know. Our children’s health is being destroyed by corporate greed. Americans cannot trust the MSM to give unbiased news on vaccines because of their financial ties to the pharmaceutical industry and parents also cannot trust the opinions of doctors on vaccines because they are taught the same false information put out by the CDC and the American Academy of Pediatrics has engaged in a cover-up to protect the interests of the vaccine makers and pharmaceutical empires, Stoller found.

Focus on the Facts – 10.10.16

The guest was Kevin Galalae, the top expert in the world on the UN’s covert genocidal depopulation agenda and the various methods being used on a global level. He described how the depopulation and genocide are being carried out through biological methods with GMO foods and pesticides, poisonous vaccines and the man-made pandemics and epidemics, as well as with chemical methods that include endrocrine disruptors such as fluoride and BPA plastics and the chemtrails being sprayed across the skies. The biggest problems with stopping the depopulation policies in the US is the resistance by the people to believe that such an evil program exists and to accept the reality of what is being done to all us.

Focus on the Facts – 10.03.16

The guest was Del Bigtree, the producer of Vaxxed: From Cover-Up to Catastrophe, a documentary investigation into the fraud conducted on the MMR vaccine autism study at the CDC that was revealed by Dr William Thompson, a CDC Senior Scientist and Whistleblower. Del left a job producing the popular TV show The Doctors to cover this CDC Whistleblower story. Del produced this film with Andy Wakefield and Polly Tommy. They are all true heroes. Anyone who goes up against the Pharmaceutical Industry nowadays puts their life in great danger and these 3 people are risking it all to stop the poisoning of our children with vaccines that cause autism.

Focus on the Facts – 08.30.16

The guest was Fiona Barnett, an MK Ultra survivor and Australia’s most recognized and vocal Whistleblower on VIP pedophilia. She was introduced to the pedophile network by her Nazi war criminal grandparents. As a child, Fiona was raped by 3 Australian Prime Ministers and other politicians, US President, Richard Nixon and famous actors. She was trafficked internationally and was drugged and raped by prominent Americans, such as Billy Graham and Ted Turner, who attended pedophile parties at Disneyland and Bohemian Grove.

Focus on the Facts – 08.22.16

The guest today was the top expert in the world on chem trails and Geoengineering, Dane Wigington. He discussed the harm caused to people and the planet by the spraying of chemicals and toxic metals through chem trails. He also discussed the lawsuits filed in Canada and the US to stop the Geoengineering and the need to wake people up on this issue. If chem trails are not stopped this will be the last generation on earth.

Focus on the Facts – 08.08.16

The guests were David Shurter and Pat Goodwin, Satanic Ritual Abuse survivors who were tortured in the MKUltra program. Pat is also the founder of Ivory Garden, an online survivor support group, and she will host the Seattle Trauma and Dissociation conference on October 7th. They discussed the importance of exposing the pedophilia and human trafficking of children in the US and gave current statistics on the number of children involved and the people and government agencies and institutions that enable it to continue. This issue must be exposed and these children must be saved.

Focus on the Facts – 08.01.16

Here is the description: The guest was Matt Landman, who discussed Geoengineering and the harm caused to people and the planet by the spraying of chem trails, and the injection of poisonous vaccines into infants and children, and the harm caused by GMOs and chemical laced foods sold in America.