The Gary Null Show – 12.13.16

Today On The Gary Null Show, Gary Null opens up with the latest in health and healing covering the important topics of Parkinsons, how fasting can help kill cancer cells and so much more. In the second half of the program Gary talks about the enviorment and plays to audio clips about the CIA and if youre getting the “REAL NEWS”. To wrap up the program Gary goes into a commentary by Henry Giroux on the “president elect” Donald Trump.

The Gary Null Show – 12.08.16

Today On The Gary Null Show! Gary gets into the rhytm of breathing and how it can effect your memory, Gary goes into a very important commentary on the mainstream media and with the weather getting colder its good to know your vaccine safety. In the second half of the show after a musical break Gary goes into some audio clips investigated network coverage of Jill Stein. They found that ABC, NBC, and CBS only gave Stein 36 seconds of coverage, combined, during her entire presidential bid, while they gave her 7 minutes and 26 seconds of coverage in just 4 days after the election, when she made it apparent that she was championing a recount to contest the election. The Resident breaks it down. all this and so much more!

The Gary Null Show – 12.07.16

Today on The Gary Null Show, Gary gives the listeners advice/different ways to stay calm and how it benefits you, the topic of probiotics for multiple sclerosis and chemotherapy. In the second half of the program Gary plays a very important clip about the BBC explaing how they got caught staging fake news. After that extended clip Gary opens up the phone lines so the audience can give their thoughts.

The Gary Null Show – 12.05.16

Today On The Gary Null Show, Gary starts the program off with a long and insightful segment on health and healing. Gary Null tells you the benefits of nuts, how overeating can be cancled by execerise. A look at the population and how alcohol effects the prostate. In the second half of the program Gary Null goes into a commentary from Chris Hedges and then pitches a health getaway from WBAI.

The Gary Null Show – 12.01.16

Today On The Gary Null SHow, Gary talks with Dr. Michael Hudson on The status of the US economy. Dr. Michael Hudson is one of our nation’s finest and most important economists and Wall Street financial analysts. Dr. Paul Craig Robert’s recently called him “the world’s best economist.” He is currently the President of The Institution for the Study of Long-Term Economic Trends and was the Chief Economic Policy Advisor for the Rep. Dennis Kucinich’s 2008 presidential campaign. Dr. Hudson has served as an advisor to the White House, State and Defense departments at the Hudson Institute, in addition to the United Nations Institute where he became a specialist in global economics. He has written many books and important papers and articles, his most publication being “Killing the Host: How Financial Parasites and Debt Bondage Destroy the Global Economy” which goes into great depth in explaining how the polarization of the 1% versus 99% emerged. His website is In the second half of the show gary offers his listeners a special deal on his products.

The Gary Null Show – 11.30.16

Today On The Gary Null Show, Gary speaks with Norma Erickson on HPV Vaccine – update on recent developments against Gardasil’s and Cerverix’s efficacy and safety. Norma Erickson is the president of SaneVax, a science based organization that advocates for the safety, effectiveness and affordability of vaccines in order for families and their children to make informed decisions on whether or not to vaccinate. She is a former writer and business consultant, and her organization is widely regarded as the primary source for information regarding HPV vaccine safety, efficacy and international news. Her website is, Before that Gary gives a commentary by Emry Westacott on Why The Simple Life Is Not Just Beautiful, It’s Necessary.