Meditations and Molotovs – 04.04.16

Who is Vincent Emanuele? Vince talks about his family, friends, and growing up in the Rust Belt. He also describes, in brutal detail, his experiences in the Marine Corps and Iraq. The second half of the show contains Vincent’s reflections on antiwar activism and the Left. This program provides a good introduction to the life an work of Vincent Emanuele, and what people should expect from future shows.

Leid Stories – Hillary Clinton: Is She That Good, or Are We That Crazy? – 04.04.16

Bestowed “front runner” status by a sycophantic media establishment, political consultants and a well-oiled public-relations machine even before the running, Hillary Clinton is the very picture of a self-fulfilling prophecy, on her way, they tell us, to clinching the Democratic Party’s nomination and, after that, resident of the United States. It will all have been her just reward, they say. But Leid Stories asks, “Is Hillary Clinton that good, or are we that crazy?”

The Gary Null Show – 04.04.16

On “The Gary Null Show” today,

Here are the topics Gary discussed on his “Health and Healing” segment:

What happens when you drink colas?

European countries as well as China and India have gotten fatter eating American fast food.

How you can restrict your calorie intake.

How tomatoes, which have lycopene, the red pigment in tomatoes, is successful at guarding against the harmful effects of radiation.

How Citrus-derived Flavonoid (naringenin) prevents obesity.

How an Asian spice could reduce Breast Cancer risk in Women exposed to Hormone Replacement Therapy.

Gary then discusses his new in-depth investigative report on Vaccines.

It is called: Why is the CDC petrified of the film “Vaxxed?”

Please comment on it when you visit Progressive Radio’s Facebook or Gary Null’s Facebook.

Black Agenda Radio – 04.04.16

Welcome, to the radio magazine that brings you news, commentary and analysis from a Black Left perspective with Glen Ford and his co-host, Nellie Bailey.

– The city of Greenville, South Carolina, has witnessed two large funerals in recent days: one for a white cop, the other, for a young Black man who the police claimed killed the officer, and then committed suicide. Black young people in Greenville don’t buy the police version of Deontaye Perry Mackey’s death, and neither does Efia Nwangaza, director of Greenville’s Malcolm X Center for Self-Determination.

– Rev. Jesse Jackson, the Chicago-based minister who ran for president as a Democrat in 1984 and 1988, came to Columbia University in New York for a conversation on the current election with Dr. Cornel West, who is supporting Bernie Sanders for president. Rev. Jackson was asked if he’s endorsed anyone in the Democratic primaries.

– Dr. Cornel West, the Sanders supporter, is based at Union Theological Seminary, just across the street from Columbia University. Dr. West said he understands that Rev. Jackson might want to stand “above the fray.”

– Dr. Marsha Coleman-Adebayo, the Black Agenda Report editor and columnist, attended three of the recent congressional hearings on the poisoning of the water system in Flint, Michigan. Adebayo used to work for the federal Environmental Protection Agency. She successfully sued the agency, and was the key actor in passage of legislation to protect whistle blowers from government retaliation. Adebayo said the poisoning of Flint was a deliberate act.

– Umi Saleh, the leader of the Florida-based Dream Defenders, who was formerly known as Phillip Agnew, spoke recently with Pascal Robert, a frequent contributor to Black Agenda Report. Saleh talked about Movement politics and the limitations – and dangers – of over-dependence on social media.

Resistance Radio – Cory Morningstar – 04.03.16

Cory Morningstar is an independent investigative journalist, writer and environmental activist, focusing on global ecological collapse and political analysis of the non-profit industrial complex. She resides in Canada. Her recent writings can be found on Wrong Kind of Green, The Art of Annihilation and Counterpunch. Her writing has also been published by Bolivia Rising and Cambio, the official newspaper of the Plurinational State of Bolivia.

Meria Heller Show – 04.03.16

Meria interviews John Potash on his latest book “Drugs As Weapons Against Us, The CIA’s Murderous Targeting of SDS, Panthers, Hendrix, Lennon, Cobain, Tupac and Other Activists”. The war on drugs is a war on us; Tupac was a serious political activist as was his family; Co-intel-pro took him out; radical black movements targeted, media never covered them properly; Lennon, Hendrix, Cobain into left politics (thus a threat); Drugs used against them; Brian Jones of the Stones murdered; was Michael Jackson targeted? US intel gets them on drugs, then uses them, then kills them; MKUltra; war on dissidents; anti-war movements; all drugged today; Elvis and his handlers; Lennon on Elvis; Kurt Cobain and Courtney Love/MKUltra; Project Monarch; Assassins for the CIA; Alan Freed-scapegoated; Grateful Dead – who were they? Ronald Stark & U.S. Intel; dosing the Beatles and Stones and so much more.

Economic Update – Worker Coops: Why and How – 04.03.16

Updates on China’s rising wages, lethal overdoses and economic crisis, courts worsen Puerto Rico’s crisis, moving jobs to Mexico, and Florida governor tries to help Yale evade taxes. Major discussions of minimum wage debates, workers without college degrees, and workers coops as key to doing better than capitalism.

Expat Files – 04.03.16


A high percentage of Gringos and Expats living in Latin America still believe in the American Republi-Rat political system. Talk about clueless Gringos! It’s a good thing most of those “brain lost” types are found living “on the gringo tourist trail”…and for me its reason number 4536 why I recommend living “off the tourist trail”. Here’s the scoop on that travesty…


Historically, Latins couldn’t care one frijole about US politics. However, for the first time ever local Latins are paying extreme attention to the race. The only issue for Latins here is immigration of course and today you’ll find out the crap the Latin media is spreading and hoe the locals are reacting…


You’ll be surprised to hear that most upscale and wealthy Latins American secretly hope Trump wins. Why? Because they’re embarrassed and shamed by the negative stereotypes created by those who have slipped into the US illegally. Many Latins with dough and education actually want Trump to build a wall to keep then sweaty masses out. Wealthy Latins are very classist and hate that white-bread US citizens seem to paint all classes Latins with the same negative brush.

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