It’s All About Food – Jenny Brown, Woodstock Farm Sanctuary – 10.20.15

Jenny Brown is a longtime animal rights activist and Co-Founder of Woodstock Farm Sanctuary in High Falls, NY–one the country’s most recognized and respected sanctuaries for farmed animals. She previously worked in film and television until when she went undercover in Texas to film farmed animal abuse. That experience led her to dedicate her life to helping farm animals and raise awareness of their plight. Jenny’s story and the work of her sanctuary has been featured in the New York Times,Cosmopolitan, Rolling Stone, New York Magazine, NPR’s The Diane Rehm Show and more. She is the author of The Lucky Ones: My Passionate Fight For Farm Animals. You can read more about her and the

Leid Stories – 10.20.15

Capitalism and Democracy: A Plausible Coexistence?
The answer to the above proposition, generally, would be a resounding “Yes!” But ask Tariq Ali, renowned political commentator, author and leftist thinker, whether capitalism and democracy can coexist, and you’ll get an entirely different point of view.
With both elements deeply embedded in the American psyche and political discourse, Leid Stories joins Ali at a presentation in which he goes to the heart of the matter.

The Gary Null Show – 10.20.15

Prof. Laurence Shoup is a historian who has been researching the background and agendas of the Council on Foreign Relations for 40 years. He has taught history, social science and international relations at the University of Illinois, San Francisco State University and other institutions. For five decades Dr. Shoup has been active in human rights struggles, protesting the Vietnam War, marching with Martin Luther King and participating in the union movement. He holds degrees from California State University and a doctorate from Northwestern. He ran as a Green Party candidate in the city of Oakland and California state and consulted for many nonprofit organizations. Laurence has written five books, his most recent being “Wall Street’s Think Tank: The Council on Foreign Relations and the Empire of Neoliberal Geopolitics 1976-2014” His website is

Infectious Myth – Chris Shaw on Dangers of Aluminum Too – 10.20.15

In Episode 75 David discusses the toxicity of Aluminum with Professor Chris Shaw, following on from the interview with Chris Exley in episode 71. Dr. Shaw started examining a degenerative neurological illness on Guam that his research indicated was caused by a combination of phytosterols in cycads and aluminum, and then went on to study Gulf War Syndrome, which he believed was at least partly due to the exposure to aluminum in over 20 vaccines given to soldiers in a short time. In 2013 he co-authored a paper that claimed a strong correlation between increased exposure to aluminum in vaccines and Autism Spectrum Disorder. But his major area of study is not epidemiology, but studies with mice, which have shown that injection of aluminum causes degeneration of the nervous system.
Chris also comments on the absolutism prevalent in mainstream discussions of vaccine safety, including the time when the Canadian public broadcaster, CBC, went after him, trying to get his management to criticize his research, something they refused to do, insisting that peer review of his grant applications and publications was sufficient, a major victory for academic and scientific freedom.

Project Censored – 10.20.15

What is Critical Media Literacy, and why is it a vital skill for students and citizens today? Peter Phillips and Mickey Huff speak with two Media Literacy scholars, who explain how the concepts apply to both old and new forms of media. Julie Frechette chairs the Department of Communications at Worcester State University in Massachusetts. Bill Yousman is director of the graduate program in Media Literacy and Education at Sacred Heart University in Fairfield, Connecticut.

The Natural Nurse And Dr. Z – 10.20.15

Host Natural Nurse® Ellen Kamhi, PhD RN,, interviews David Borenstein, M.D. Dr. Borenstein obtained his medical degree from the Technion Faculty of Medicine in Haifa, Israel and completed his internship at Staten Island University Hospital. He has completed residencies at: University Hospital at Stony Brook; Westchester County Medical Center; and St. Charles Hospital and Rehabilitation Center.
During the course of his career he has attended numerous specialized training courses in order to expand the scope of his medical expertise. He is board certified in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, certified in Medical Acupuncture, and is a member of numerous professional societies.
After his residency, Dr. Borenstein was involved with an integrative medical center and became impressed by the effectiveness of the treatments that were offered there. The experience led him to incorporate integrative approaches – including prolotherapy and stem cell therapy – into his medical practice. Getting to know his patients, listening to them, and understanding the symptoms are the starting points for his treatment protocols.
Dr. Borenstein’s areas of specialization do not exist in isolation – patients are diagnosed and treated in an integrative manner to promote both the overall recovery and continuing good health. In his own words his “greatest feeling of accomplishment comes from helping make real changes in people’s lives, especially after they’ve been through a difficult time.”