Political Analysis – Documentary Hour Featuring “By Blood” and “Help Us Find Sunil Tripathi” – 05.07.15

The May 7, 2015 edition of “Political Analysis” on The Progressive Radio Network featured the work and voices of two documentarians: Marcos Barbery and Neal Broffman.

1.) Marcos Barbery, Director and Producer of the newly-released documentary film “By Blood,” which is a contemporary and historical account of the African-American Freedmen of Cherokee descent, who were enslaved by the Cherokee Tribe and have still yet to achieve the rights and benefits they argue are owed to them by the Tribe. The movie raises fascinating questions about race, identity and history and is timely given what’s going on as of late in Baltimore, Ferguson and other US cities.
Barbery is a filmmaker and journalist and founder of THREAD Productions.The Investigative Fund at The Nation Institute has supported Barbery’s reporting. Barbery’s writing has been featured by Long Reads, and appeared in Salon, The Huffington Post, and This Land Press.

2.) Neal Broffman, Director and Producer of the new documentary film “Help Us Find Sunil Tripathi” about Sunil Tripathi, who was initially misidentified as Dzhokhar Tsarnaev during the initial manhunt for Dzhokhar and his now-dead brother Tamerlan (then known as “Suspect One” and “Suspect Two”). Sunil was eventually found dead (having committed suicide) in a river near Brown University in Providence, Rhode Island, but not before the damage was done and his name forever tied to the April 2013 bombing. The movie’s recent release coincides with the ongoing death penalty phase of USA v. Tsarnaev case occurring in a U.S. District Court in Boston.

Astonishing insights from the other side – Energy Stew interview with Garnet Schulhauser – 05.08.15

Some people are contacted by the other side and introduced to astral travel. That’s what happened to my guest for this show.
Garnet Schulhauser was a lawyer living a normal life when a strange man began interacting with him on the street. Soon, this man showed up at night as a spirit and invited him to travel out of his body into other dimensions. Naturally, this changed his life.
After many journeys, he was able to write books of his experiences and lessons about the spiritual universe. His first book was “Dancing on a Stamp” and the second was “Dancing Forever with Spirit”. I’ve read them with great appreciation and recognition of realities we can never know enough about.
It’s always wonderful to connect with astral travelers and hear about their amazing adventures in dimensional worlds most of us can only dream about.

Expat Files – 05.08.15

-Tips on packing and protecting your prescription drugs, vitamins and supplements. What to keep in mind when packing for trips to and from Latin America

-Would you like to get in on one of my free live “webinars”?
Check out www.Expatwisdom.com and sign up for one of my free one hour live “webinars”. They will take place about every two or three weeks for a limited time so sign up now to listen in live. Contribute your own thoughts and questions about Latin America.

-Now for a disturbing recent eyewitness in-your-face report on drones and chem-trails in Coast Rica and Mexico.

LOA Today – 05.07.15

The recent events in Baltimore filled our news sources with stuff to write about, provided a venting of anger, and destroyed a lot of property.

As usual, the left pointed fingers at the right, the right pointed fingers at the left, and the people in the streets just looted and destroyed while their family, friends, and community leaders disapproved and yelled at them.

We propose a different reaction.

In this week’s show, Uohna tells the story of a man who applied the principles of Ho’oponopono to a mental hospital in Hawaii that ended up releasing all its inmates as healthy people and closing their doors. It’s a spiritual story of healing you won’t want to miss.

Join us as we apply the principles of Ho’oponopono to help providing healing for Baltimore and for all the other places around the country where anger, despair, and fear compete for human attention.

What Women Must Know – Personalize your Health with Nutrigneomic with Dr. Paul Beaver – 05.07.15

Dr. Paul Beaver is the co-founder and Chief Scientific Officer of Fitgenes Ltd, an international provider of genome – based personalized preventative healthcare and wellness services. For the past 20 years Paul has been developing personalized health solutions for maximizing health potential, based on the latest scientific and medical research in the fields, such as Nutrigenetics and Nutrigenomics.
During this time Paul has worked with many healthcare professionals in Australia and internationally towards improving the health and wellness outcomes of clients based on genome-based healthcare. This commitment means Paul has developed expertise in the scientific field of Nutrigenomics, which is the study of the interaction between our genes, exercise, nutrition, lifestyle choices and our health.

Please contact Dr.Sherrill Sellman for more information about her Fitgenes Nutrigenomic program and to receive her free E-Book on Nutrigenomics.