Progressive Radio Network

Progressive Commentary Hour

Dr. Mah-dava Set-tee is a board certified and senior staff anesthesiologist at a major hospital in the Greater Boston area. He is also a science advisor…
Dr. Jack Rasmus is a professor of political economics at St. Mary’s College in California. Prior to teaching, he spent 18 years as an economic analyst for…
Rick Sterling is a retired engineer in the electronics and aerospace industries and at the University of California at Berkeley. Since then he has been an investigative…
Dr. Gary Null plays his documentary "Deadly Deception". 
Petr Koenig is a geopolitical analyst and a former senior economist at the World Bank and World Health Organization, who specialized in water and environmental economics for…
Dr. Carol Orsborn is a former professor of religion, history, adult development and intergenerational values, particularly among the Boomer generation. She is a leading voice in the…
Dr. John Martin is a virologist and medical researcher who has greatly contributed to the study of viral infections and their role in chronic diseases.…
Gerald Celente is one of today’s pioneers in trend strategy and identifying domestic and global developments of change occurring in our world. He founded the Trends Research…
Neville Hodgkinson is a British journalist who reported about AIDS conventionally in the mid-1980s as a medical correspondent for the London Sunday Times.  In a subsequent role as…
Dr. Michael Hudson is one of our nation’s finest and most important economists and Wall Street financial analysts. Dr. Paul Craig Roberts has called Michael “the world’s best…
Dr. Elisabet Sahtouris (Sah-toor-is) is an evolution biologist, philosopher, futurist and a former professor specializing in how the principles of nature can be applied as models for organizational…
Hugh Turley is the co-author with David Martin of the first most thoroughly researched books about the assassination of the internationally revered American Catholic monk,…