Gary Null – HPV Vaccines: Unnecessary and Lethal

Every parent desires only the best for their children, which is why most parents insist that their children, primarily girls but now also boys, receive the three-shot series of HPV vaccines. Parents do this because there is the unchallenged assumptions that vaccine public mandates and physician recommendations are founded upon sound scientific and medical principles of safety and efficacy. This is not only true for the HPV vaccines—Merck’s Gardasil and Glaxo’s Cervarix—but for all childhood vaccines. Unfortunately, there has been very little effective popular opposition to the vaccination regime except by those parents who have witnessed these vaccines’ devastation upon their children’s developing brains and immune systems. The rate of autism in the US has now risen to 1 in 68. Yet at the same time parents are repeatedly told it is not the vaccines; the industrial food industry repeatedly tells us it is not the GMOs and toxic pesticides such as glyphosate; and the fossil fuel multinationals repeatedly tell us it is not the heavy metals spewing into the atmosphere from their plants. Rather we are consistently told that the medical profession doesn’t harm children. Vaccines save lives. Fortunately more and more people are awakening to these lies. Although there are a growing number of parents fighting the medical establishment, in some cases even winning, they nevertheless have to live with an injured child or teenager, frequently for the remainder of their child’s life. The very federal agencies that support an ever-increasing vaccination schedule—the CDC, HHS, FDA and Surgeon General—and the entire private medical establishment and physicians are complicit in a mutual denial that vaccine scientific review and regulation require a vast systemic overhaul before any vaccine should be pronounced safe and effective before entering the market.

Gary Null, PhD – The Gulf War Syndrome Plot: The US Government’s Conspiracy of Silence and Obstruction Against Gulf War Veterans

With only 148 Americans officially killed in action and only 467 wounded, the Gulf War seemed to be a shining victory for our military and its leaders. However, this victory has cast a long, lingering shadow. Today we know that nearly 200,000 of our Gulf service men and women are suffering from a debilitating and sometimes deadly syndrome. The suffering our military personnel have endured from Gulf War syndrome is outrageous in and of itself; however, the US government’s decades-long denial that the illness even exists has compounded the problem tremendously.

Progressive Commentary Hour – 02.23.16

Gary discusses Hilary Clinton and all the different scandals she has been involved in. Here are just a few of those scandals:

Clintons turn IRS into ‘gestapo’

Looting the White House

Filegate: FBI files on GOP enemies

Vince Foster’s 1993 death

Chinagate: Sale of high-tech secrets

Whitewater: Jail for friends, but not Clintons

Landing under sniper fire’ in Bosnia

Pardongate: Hillary Senate contributions

Hill ca$hes in: Iranian fundraising

Clinton Foundation: Scandals keep coming

Benghazi: 4 American lives lost

Progressive Commentary Hour – 02.16.16

Neville Hodgkinson is a British journalist who started reporting on the AIDS epidemic in the mid 1980s who has been a medical and science correspondent for the London Sunday Times, Sunday Express and Daily Mail. His many investigations and subsequent articles questioned the mainstream views about HIV and AIDS, including reporting from Africa, Australia and Europe. His book Will To be Well: The Real Alternative Medicine was one of the first to describe wellness and happiness based upon scientific findings. In 1996 he published his scientific critique of the HIV theory in “AIDS: The Failure of Contemporary Science” and continued to write articles for publications such as Continuum, New African, Journal of Scientific Exploration and Business Online. Neville was connected with the creation of the AIDS Advisory Panel of South African President Thabo Mbeki.

Progressive Commentary Hour – 02.09.16 (Hour Two Special)

Prof. Chris Shaw is an associate at the Tyndal Center for Climate Change Research and a Visiting Fellow at the Sussex Energy Group. For the past decade he has researched climate change policies and climate communications, and has conducted research for the Environmental Change Institute, the University of Nottingham, Sussex University and the Institute of Development Studies. Chris received his doctorate in global climate policy from the University of Sussex’s School of Law, Politics and Sociology. He is the author of several books, the most recent being “The Two Degree Dangerous Limit for Climate Change,” which was published last October. His website is

Progressive Commentary Hour – 02.09.16

Prof. Laurence Shoup is a historian who has been researching the background and agendas of the Council on Foreign Relations for 40 years. He has taught history, social science and international relations at the University of Illinois, San Francisco State University and other institutions. For five decades Dr. Shoup has been active in human rights struggles, protesting the Vietnam War, marching with Martin Luther King and participating in the union movement. He holds degrees from California State University and a doctorate from Northwestern University. He ran as a Green Party candidate in the city of Oakland and California state and has consulted for many nonprofit organizations. Laurence has written five books, his most recent being “Wall Street’s Think Tank: The Council on Foreign Relations and the Empire of Neoliberal Geopolitics 1976-2014” His website is

Progressive Commentary Hour – 02.02.16

Dr. Guy McPherson is a professor emeritus of Natural Resources, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology at the University of Arizona. He has specialized in forest resources, energy decline and climate change and its economic consequences. In the past he has also taught at Texas A&M and University of California at Berkeley. Having become disillusioned with the American university environment and academia, and after attempts by university officials to silence his outspokenness about the human causes of climate change, Guy abandoned his tenured position as a full professor for ethical reasons of conscience. He is the author of several books, the latest co-written with Carolyn Baker entitled “Extinction Dialogs: How to Live with Death in Mind.” He is also the co-host of the radio program Nature Bats Last heard every Tuesday evening at 3 pm Eastern time on the Progressive Commentary Hour. His website is

Prof. Paul Beckwith is a post doctoral candidate in the Laboratory of Paleoclimatology and Climatology at the University of Ottawa in Ontario, where he also teaches as a part time professor. Paul’s research specializes in abrupt effects from climate change (such as tornados and the rise in more fierce tropical storms), greenhouse gas emissions, the global implications of the melting Arctic ice sheets, and social media for climate change advocacy. He is a member and participant in the Arctic Methane Emergency Group and the Canadian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society. His website is

Progressive Commentary Hour – 01.26.16 (PART 2)

Neville Hodgkinson is a British journalist who started reporting on the AIDS epidemic in the mid 1980s who has been a medical and science correspondent for the London Sunday Times, Sunday Express and Daily Mail. His many investigations and subsequent articles questioned the mainstream views about HIV and AIDS, including reporting from Africa, Australia and Europe. His book Will To be Well: The Real Alternative Medicine was one of the first to describe wellness and happiness based upon scientific findings. In 1996 he published his scientific critique of the HIV theory in “AIDS: The Failure of Contemporary Science” and continued to write articles for publications such as Continuum, New African, Journal of Scientific Exploration and Business Online. Neville was connected with the creation of the AIDS Advisory Panel of South African President Thabo Mbeki.

Progressive Commentary Hour – 01.26.16

John Lauritsen is a retired market research analyst, author and gay liberationist and activist and currently the founder and head of Pagan Press, which publishes books that reach the gay community. Earlier John wrote for the New York Native where he argued against the science behind HIV and AIDS and raised questions concerning the safety of AZT. More recently he is best known for his theoretical book, The Man Who Wrote Frankenstein which explores whether the real author of the novel by that name was written by Percy Bysshe Shelley and not his wife Mary.

John’s website is JPL where you can find a collection of his essays on AIDS, gay liberation and other subjects.

Progressive Commentary Hour – 01.19.16 (PART 2)

Prof. Peter Duesberg is professor of Molecular and Cell Biology at the University of California at Berkeley. He was the first to isolate a cancer gene through his work with retroviruses back in 1970 and mapped the genetic structure of this class of viruses. His work in retrovirus research awarded him an election to the National Academy of Sciences and Outstanding Investigator Grants from the National Institutes of Health. Based upon his knowledge of retroviruses, he has been at the forefront in challenging the virus-AIDS hypothesis and has published in the world’s leading medical journals. As a consequence, Dr. Duesberg’s hypothesis has won support from many scientists who have been outcast from publishing their views, including Nobel laureates such Kary Mullis, inventor of PCR technology.