Progressive Radio Network

Resistance Radio

With Derrick Jensen
Resistance Radio:Each week on Resistance Radio Derrick Jensen interviews some of today's most important and visionary activists and writers.

Dr. Lilliana Corredor is the Founder & Coordinator of Scientists for the Mekong. For the last 35 years she has worked worldwide to protect water.…
Stephanie Fennessy and Julian Fennessy. Together they are co-founders of the Giraffe Conservation Foundation, the only NGO in the world that focuses on preservation of…
Dahr Jamail is an award winning journalist and author who is a full-time staff reporter for He is currently working on a book about…
Rob Laidlaw has spent more than 35 years working to protect animals of all kinds. His work spans multiple countries and has involved a wide…
John Barry is a NY Times best-selling writer whose books have won literally dozens of awards. He is the only non-scientist ever to win one…
Susan Cox is a feminist writer, activist, and educator in Philosophy. She is a regular contributor to Feminist Current and a member of the Women’s…
Sarah Mah is a ‘third generation’ Canadian-born Chinese woman raised in Vancouver, BC. Her family was among the early Chinese immigrants levied the head tax…
Mary Lou Singleton is a deep ecologist, radical midwife and women's liberation activist. She practiced as a homebirth midwife for over 15 years and currently…
In April 1997 after only a few months of being involved in hunt sabotage and environmental activism Jay Tiernan became well known in the U.K.…
Klaas-Douwe Dijkstra was born in The Netherlands but grew up in Egypt, drawing and describing his first dragonflies when he was 12 years old.
Emma Phipps has been involved in campaigns against wildlife persecution, with an emphasis on direct action on the ground, as well as animal liberation and…