This Can’t Be Happening – 05.17.17

Kansas correspondent Mike Caddell, to discuss the release from Ft. Leavenworth prison of whisteblower extraordinaire Chelsea Manning, the case of released, rearrested and re-released Anonymous hacker Barrett Brown, and of how the rolling Trump presidential disaster is playing in ultra-Red State Kansas. Download this episode (right click and save)

This Can’t Be Happening – 04.05.17

Guest Michael Uhl, author, peace activist with Veterans for Peace, and a Vietnam combat veteran draftee who turned critic of the war anf became, in Noam Chomsky’s words, “One of the most prominent figures of the veteran’s resistance movement that played a crucial role in bringing to the American people the shocking reality of the Vietnam War,” talks with host Dave Lindorff about a visit he made to a meeting of Vietnam vets organized in Maine as part of a nationwide, decade-long Pentagon campaign to revise and prettify the history of the Vietnam War.

This Can’t Be Happening – 03.30.17

Host Dave Lindorff updates the case of incarcerated black journalist and activist Mumia Abu-Jamal, who has been left untreated by Pennsylvania prison authorities for two years with a virulent case of active Hepatitis-C he contracted in prison, explaining that an Appellate Court just shot-down an effort by the Department of Corrections to delay giving him needed medicine indefinitely until the court could hear his case. Lindorff also talks about the need to move from fighting to defend Obamacare to fighting for Medicare for all. Also on the program, guest Chris Goldstein, communications director of Philadelphia NORML, talks about the federal government’s efforts to bar financial aid to college students busted for even minor drug offenses.

This Can’t Be Happening – 01.25.17

Ellen Schrecker, author of “No Ivory Tower” and other books about the McCarthy era, and a widely acclaimed expert on that subject, talks about similarities — and differences — between that era of anti-communist witch-hunts and our own era of official hounding of government critics, immigrants and “pro-Russian” leftists.

This Can’t Be Happening – 01.04.17

Sometimes “This Can’t Be Happening!” can refer to a bit of unbelievably good news and today’s show is one of those times. As Bret Grote, legal director of the Abolitionist Law Center, a Pennsylvania prisoner advocacy legal service and one of two attorneys fighting to force the state’s Corrections Dept. to provide effective anti-viral medication to inmate Mumia Abu-Jamal to treat his raging Hepatitis C infection, reports, a federal judge yesterday issued an injunction ordering the prison system to begin treating the internationally known prisoner within 14 days. This is a huge victory, even if the state tries to appeal it and it offers hope that Abu-Jamal, whose death sentence was overturned and replaced with life without parole, will not end up being medically executed by the state through willful neglect.

This Can’t Be Happening – 12.21.16

Retired CIA Sr. Analyst Ray McGovern, who used to give presidents back to Ronald Reagan the CIA’s daily briefing, and who later co-founded Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity (VIPS), talks with host Dave Lindorff about the CIA’s claim –which he calls “a crock” — that the Russians and Vladimir Putin were behind the release of Democratic National Committee and Clinton Campaign Chair John Podesta’s emails, in an effort to throw the election to Donald Trump.

This Can’t Be Happening – 11.30.16

Robb Kall, founder of the progressive website OpEd News, and host Dave Lindorff, both smeared by the Washington Post and the obscure website that it relied upon in an article claiming 200 news sites to be working in league with Russian propaganda organs to undermine US democracy, talk about this return to McCarthyite red-baiting by the once great newspaper that brought us the expose of the Watergate Scandal.

This Can’t Be Happening – 10.10.16

Jules Mermelstein, constitutional law expert and a life-long Democrat active in local politics in Pennsylvania politics who quit that party in disgust and joined the Green Party after watching the Clinton campaign and the DNC sabotage the campaign of Bernie Sanders offers his unique insight into the current political crisis the day after Trump’s election in a conversation with host Dave Lindorff on “This Can’t Be Happening