This Can’t Be Happening – 10.12.16

Host Dave Lindorff talks with Keegan Stephan, law student, activist and writer working with attorneys and Black Lives Matters activist in a lawsuit to force the NYPD to come clean and disclose the extent of undercover infiltration of the Black Lives Matter movement that the department has been engaged in since its inception. The case developed out of an FOIA request concerning such infiltration of a Black Lives Matter protest last year in Grand Central Station.

This Can’t Be Happening – 09.28.16

Native News Online publisher and editor Levi Rickert reports on developments in the Indigenous community, in particular a meeting in Washington of reps from the 500 Indian Tribes and Nations with government officials to hammer out how to comply with President Obama’s executive order requiring “substantive” talks with Native Peoples’ before any actions by government bodies that impact indian lives and lands. He also updates listeners on developments at Standing Rock, ND, where, ignored by most of the corporate media, the Lakota and their supporters are standing firm against plans for the Dakota Access oil pipeline to cross indian land and sacred sites, threatening the tribe and also environmental disaster. Host Dave LIndorff also discusses the ongoing slaughter of innocents by America’s increasingly violent and militarized police.

This Can’t Be Happening – 09.21.16

Levi Rickert, editor of Native News Online, a national publication about indigenous peoples of North America, talks about what he calls the most significant political action by Native Americans since the 1973 Wounded Knee occupation on the Pine Ridge reservation. He tells how activists from over 200 Indian tribes as well as representatives of indigenous peoples from around the world have converged at Standing Rock in North Dakota to help the local embattled Standing Rock Sioux People defend their land and water against despoilation by the Army Corps of Engineers, which is trying to construct a pipeline across Sioux lands to carry Bakkan Field crude oil to St. Louis.

This Can’t Be Happening – 09.01.16

Guest Karl Denninger, a libertarian, internet entrepreneur and one of the early founders of the Teaparty Movement — as well as a supporter of the Occupy Movement — tells host Dave Lindorff that the US is “doomed” if it doesn’t return to the rule of law. Specifically, he says that unless the country begins seriously prosecuting — and jailing — political and top corporate criminals, like the executives of the nation’s largest banks for example, the corruption that plagues US society, politics and business will only get worse.

This Can’t Be Happening – 08.17.16

Host Dave Lindorff interviews John Whitehead, founder and head of the Rutherford Institute, a legal organization dedicated to defending civil liberties, and combating threats to the Bill of Rights. Whitehead talks about his concrete experiences defending people wrongfully arrested by gestapo like federal, state and local police, about police militarization, and what he decries as the rapid consolidation of a police state in the US.

This Can’t Be Happening – 07.06.16

Mike Caddell, self-described “prairie radical,” who is running a seemingly long-shot campaign as a Democrat in the reddest of states, Kansas, home of the Koch Brothers, but as guest on “This Can’t Be Happening!” tells host Dave LIndorff that he’s getting cheered at local parades and pancake breakfasts when he calls for a Kansas revolution to “sweep the statehouse clean of Republicans.” Something is happening in Kansas.

This Can’t Be Happening – 06.22.16

Vietnam War veteran and ThisCantBeHappening! collective members John Grant and show host Dave Lindorff talk about their two latest articles on, John’s on the politicization of PTSD and Dave on the idea that assault weapons should not only be banned in the US for civilians, but also should be barred as standard issue weapons for police.

This Can’t Be Happening – 06.08.16

Kevin Zeese, former press spokesman for Ralph Nader’s 2004 presidential campaign, Green Party activist, organizer with and currently part of a movement to push Bernie Sanders to run for president in the general election, discusses with host Dave Lindorff a proposal from Jill Stein and other Green Party leaders and activists to have Sanders run as their candidate for president, They go on to consider about how such a remarkable campaign could actually win the White House, either outright, or by negotiations in the Electoral College, and how a Sanders candidacy could institutionalize Sanders’ ‘Political Revolution’ by transforming the Green Party from a perennial protest vote vehicle into a major national party of the left.

This Can’t Be Happening – 05.25.16

Greg Haddock, an activist in Germany with the #BernieOrBust movement that is urging Americans to pledge not to vote for Hillary Clinton if she gets, or steals, the Democratic presidential nomination from Bernie Sanders, talks about the campaign and about efforts to pressure Sanders to run in the coming General Election as an independent or as the Green Party’s candidate if he doesn’t get the Democratic Party’s nod.

This Can’t Be Happening – 05.04.16

Seattle’s socialist councilwoman Kshama Sawant talks about her efforts, including a petition at, to get Bernie Sanders to reject endorsing Hillary Clinton if she wins the Democratic nomination, and to instead continue to run for the general election, either as an independent or as the Green Party Candidate. Host Dave LIndorff also talks about a grass roots effort being organized to bring hundreds of thousands of Sanders backers to Philadelphia for the July 25 Dem Convention, to demand that Sanders not back Clinton if he doesn’t get the nomination, but to run as an independent or a Green. Go to: