This Can’t Be Happening – 04.27.16

The guest today is Alfredo Lopez on the Bernie Sanders campaign.

We’re talking about Sanders in the wake of the Tuesday primaries in Pennsylvania, Maryland, Delaware, Connecticut and Rhode Island, about why Sanders has been unable to win the black vote anywhere and about where his campaign goes from here.

This Can’t Be Happening – 03.23.16

John Grant, a member of the journalists’ collective, discusses his latest article on the assassination of Honduran human rights and environmental activist Berta Caceres and the role of Hillary Clinton, as Obama’s secretary of state, in the 2009 coup in that country which ousted a popular left-leaning president and launched an era of violent repression. Grant and host Dave Lindorff talk about the dreadful prospect of a Clinton presidency, given her history of supporting wars and government overthrows, not just in Latin America but around the globe.

This Can’t Be Happening – 03.02.16

TCBH! Host Dave Lindorff interviews Kansas prairie radical Michael Caddell about the Bernie Sanders surge developing in his state days ahead of the Saturday Democratic Party caucuses, and says that it could be a repeat of the caucus on Tuesday in neighboring Colorado, which Sanders won handily. Caddell also talks about his having just registered “for the first time in my life” as a Democrat in order to run for the Kansas state legislature “and raise hell there.” In the second half of the program, guest and fellow PRN show host Glen Ford explains why Sanders is unlikely to win over many black voters in his primary campaign, saying most black voters simply want to “keep the White Party (the Republicans) from winning.”

This Can’t Be Happening – 02.10.16

The morning after Bernie Sanders stunning trouncing of Hillary Clinton in the New Hampshire Democratic primary, long-time political activist Alfredo Lopez, a member of the news collective, talks with “This Can’t Be Happening” host Dave Lindorff about the Sanders phenomenon, and how the left needs to respond to it.

This Can’t Be Happening – 01.20.16

Guest Davie Swanson, a pacifist, long-time peace activist and author of the book “War is a Lie,” which makes the case that no war is justified, discuses with host Dave Lindorff the issue of Bernie Sanders long-time support for American imperialist wars and military actions. They look at the issue of whether this poor record means his campaign for president should or should not be supported, and conclude that the answer is, yes, but with constant criticism of his pro-militarist stance.

This Can’t Be Happening – 12.30.15

“This Can’t Be Happening!” Guest Bret Grote, attorney with the Abolition Law Project in Pennsylvania, talks about a federal court hearing in Scranton, PA, where he and another lawyer, Robert Boyle, argued on behalf of their client, prisoner Mumia Abu-Jamal, for an injunction ordering the Pennsylvania Department of Corrections to stop withholding treatment for his active case of Hepatitis-C — a potentially fatal disease that has already damaged his liver and brought on a case of adult diabetes as well as a horrific and debilitating skin disease. A ruling on that injunction is expected in weeks. If it goes in Mumia’s favor and he treatment is ordered, it could have a wide impact, not just on the estimated 10,000 state prisoners known to have the disease, but also nationwide, where Hepatitis-C is epidemic in the nation’s prisons.

This Can’t Be Happening – 12.23.15

Host Dave Lindorff and his guest, Dr. Jess Guh, the newest member of the online news collective, talk about Mumia Abu-Jamal’s court battle in federal court in Scranton to force the state’s prison system to provide him with treatment for his active and potentially fatal case of Hepatitis C. Dr. Guh, a primary car physician from Seattle who has been investigating the shoddy standard of health care in the nation’s prisons, and who has gone over somd 100 pages of Mumia’s medical record, says that what Pennsylvania and many other states are doing to prisoners in their control is nothing short of malpractice and neglece on a massive scale.

This Can’t Be Happening – 12.09.15

Dr. Kris Neuhaus, a radical physician targeted by the religious right political establishment of Kansas for her courageous willingness for years to provide abortion services to desperate Kansas women, talks with host Dave Lindorff about guns, bombs and domestic terror, as well as the obscenity of health care provided — or more accurately not provided — to captives in the nation’s prison industrial complex.

This Can’t Be Happening – 11.04.15

Host Dave Lindorff and guest Linn Washington, a Philly-based investigative reporter and colleague of Dave’s on the news site, discuss Tuesday’s election results in Pennsylvania and recent comments by Supreme Court Justices Breyer and Scalia, all suggesting that a historic moment has arrived in which the US death penalty obsession may finally be ended. Lindorff notes that in Pennsylvania voters elected three new state supreme court judges, all liberal Democrats who owe their win in considerable part to black and other minority voters in Philadelphia, Pittsburgh and other urban areas of the state. Washington, who has written extensively about the state’s racist death penalty system, withthe fourth-largest death row in the nation, and says that with Democrats now in a 5-2 majority on the formerly Republican high court, and with the new Democratic governor already having imposed a moratorium on the death penalty, it could be that the death penalty could be ruled unconstitutional under the state’s constitution. Meanwhile Justice Breyer has virtually called for a test case to be brought to the Supreme Court this year, and Justice Scalia, a staunch backer of execution, has stated publicly that he thinks the votes are there now to declare the death penalty in the US unconstitutional.