Wikipedia’s Vaccination Bias

Wikipedia’s Vaccination Bias   Gary Null, PhD Progressive Radio Network, June 25, 2019   The US, and indeed many other nations around the world, is witnessing a contentious debate about the safety and efficacy of vaccines. The forces are lining up over whether vaccination should be mandated by government or whether citizens have civil rights and freedom of choice over …

Health and Corona News 11.08.20-11.14.20

Union Leaders Supported REIMAGINE EDUCATION Over 3 Years Ago! The Corporate Dictatorship of the Very Rich Why Capitalism Was Destined to Come Out on Top in the 2020 Election America’s Next Authoritarian Will Be Much More Competent How Could 70 Million Still Have Voted for Trump? Ding-dong, the jerk is gone. But read this before you sing the Hallelujah Chorus …

5G’s Crime Against Humanity

5G’s Crime Against Humanity   Richard Gale and Gary Null PhD Progressive Radio Network, November 3, 2020 For those who may have watched last Sunday’s NFL games, they would have noticed a preponderance of advertisements hearkening the wonderful promises that the large variety of 5G technologies will bring into our lives.  The ads tout the interconnectivity of all things and the …

Health and Corona News – 11/1/20 – 11/7/20

The Mess Created By Trump Will Be with Us for Years Dumping Fukushima’s Water into the Ocean… Seriously? Against moral sainthood Amartya Sen: ‘World is facing pandemic of authoritarianism’ Sweden’s Top Banker Weighs In on Controversial Covid Strategy Nineteen Eighty-Four or “Brave New World”? ‘Banking for the People’: Tlaib and Ocasio-Cortez Unveil Bill to Foster Creation of Public Banks Across …

The Flawed Blind Spots in Calculating Covid-19 Deaths

The Flawed Blind Spots in Calculating Covid-19 Deaths    Gary Null PhD and Richard Gale Progressive Radio Network, October 26, 2020 In our new coronavirus world, there still remain signs for hope. Although infection rates are rising in rural America and in some European nations, deaths have declined substantially, especially in the US.  This is the good news. However, the international …

The Flawed Blind Spots in Calculating Covid-19 Deaths

Gary Null PhD and Richard Gale Progressive Radio Network, October 26, 2020 In our new coronavirus world, there still remain signs for hope. Although infection rates are rising in rural America and in some European nations, deaths have declined substantially, especially in the US.  This is the good news. However, the international emphasis is now single-minded towards developing a vaccine as …

The Barbarians at the Pandemic’s Gates

The Barbarians at the Pandemic’s Gates Richard Gale and Gary Null PhD Progressive Radio Network, October 20, 2020 As we approach the the end of 2020, it is apropos to stop, turn around and carefully and objectively examine how we got fixed into this destructive quagmire of Covid-19 half truths, full lies and manufactured medical science. Historically we are a …

The Real Reset: Ending the Tyranny of Medical Lockdowns

The Real Reset: Ending the Tyranny of Medical Lockdowns   Gary Null, PhD Progressive Commentary Hour, October 19, 2020   With every passing day, new facts about the Covid-19 virus virulence and spread, our susceptibility to infection and the methods for testing are upending many earlier assumptions. Thousands of respected physicians, scientists, university professors and medical researchers are now questioning …

Health and Corona News – 10.18.20 – 10.25.20

Barrett Is Poised to Become the Most Radical Right-Wing Member of Supreme Court AOC and Other Top Progressives Urge Biden—If Elected—to Deny K Street, Wall Street Execs Top Cabinet Posts How Modi is Changing Laws to Help Imperialists Dominate India’s Agriculture America Has No Reason to Be So Powerful Reframing America’s Role in the World Humility, caring and wisdom make …

Playing Russian Roulette with a Covid-19 Vaccine

Playing Russian Roulette with a Covid-19 Vaccine   Richard Gale and Gary Null PhD Progressive Radio Network, October 15, 2020 America, we need to have a conversation. It is a very serious and dire conversation that has been intentionally ignored and swept under the rug for far too long.  It concerns a dialogue that our entire mainstream media, in its conventional …