The Moral Panic of the Woke Generation

  The Moral Panic of the Woke Generation Richard Gale and Gary Null PhD Progressive Radio Network, August 11, 2020   It is one thing to show a man that he is in error and another to put him in-touch with truth… No man’s knowledge can go beyond his experience” – John Locke (Essays Concerning Human Understanding)   Locke was …

Health and Corona News 08.09.20-08.16.20

The Spies Who Hijacked America The World on Fire Coronavirus wasn’t bad enough, so now there’s a new virus outbreak in China Ranking the Infinite Greed, Power and Controls of Giant Corporations Millions of Evictions Are a Sharper Threat as Government Support Ends America Is About To Feel Like A 3rd World Nation How the Fascists Won World War II …

Welcome to the Woke Culture and its Nihilistic Agenda

Welcome to the Woke Culture and its Nihilistic Agenda Gary Null and Richard Gale Progressive Radio Network, August 7, 2020 As we witness the increasing populist persecution of politically correct language through the emerging cancel culture, we must pause for a moment.  What went wrong that in a blink of an eye so much hatred, disdain and condemnation has unfurled in …

Health and Corona News 08.02.20 – 08.08.20

Globalization and the End of the American Dream Is Silicon Valley Nudging Us Towards an Authoritarian Future? I Was Wrong: Congress Isn’t Cowardly; It’s Evil! Barack Obama omits AOC’s name while endorsing New York Democrats Earth Is Warning Us We Must Change. Will We Listen? Letter from economists: to rebuild our world, we must end the carbon economy The Military …

Health and Corona News 7.26.20-8.1.20

The Whiners Who Earn $200,000 and Complain They’re Broke This UFO Hype Is Probably Just The US Military Lying Again The Ugly Terror of a Fascist Abyss Lurks in the Background of This Pandemic Ocean Plastic Could Triple by 2040, Report Finds Killing Democracy in America: The Military-Industrial Complex as a Cytokine Storm The Debt Predators A Lot of Americans …

Society’s Crisis Goes Deeper than Bad Police

Society’s Crisis Goes Deeper than Bad Police Gary Null PhD Progressive Radio Network, June 15, 2020 Growing up in the small West Virginian city of Parkersburg was like living in peaceful times where everyone knew their neighbors. The police did not wear bullet proof vests, carry semi-automatic weapons and taser guns, or bring in armored vehicles when there were social …

Examples of Jimmy Wales Statements Supporting Skepticism and Vice Versa

Examples of Jimmy Wales Statements Supporting Skepticism and Vice Versa   Wikipedia’s co-founder Jimmy Wales has stated on public record his personal opposition to Complementary and Alternative/Integrative Medicine (CAM) and by extension those who advocate and practice these non-conventional medical therapies.  The two individuals that are being focused upon for this document are Drs. Gary Null and Deepak Chopra, although …

Neoliberalism, Racial Violence and a Virus

Neoliberalism, Racial Violence and a Virus Richard Gale and Gary Null PhD Progressive Radio Network, June 9, 2020 The combination of the coronavirus pandemic and the eruption of large protests across the nation over the police murder of George Floyd and law enforcement’s culture of racial violence is exposing the systemic hypocrisies among Democrats and Republicans alike. Liberal Democrats have …

Corona and Health News 5/18-5/25

Who is most likely to be infected with SARS-CoV-2? Medical Detection Dogs Could Assist COVID-19 Testing by Sniffing 750 People per Hour ‘Weird as hell’: the Covid-19 patients who have symptoms for months What the Coronavirus Does Inside the Body No Sex for 1 Month for Coronavirus Survivors, Says Study One in ten patients with major vascular event, infection, or …

Is COVID-19 Herd Immunity Possible?

Is COVID-19 Herd Immunity Possible? Richard Gale and Gary Null PhD Progressive Radio Network, April 29, 2020 One effort some countries are undertaking to stem the rise of COVID-19 infections is to increase herd immunity.  There are physicians and scientists suggesting that the more individuals are exposed to the coronavirus, the faster the population will reach a hypothetical herd immunity. …