This is one of THE MOST IMPORTANT speeches ever given by a Brilliant Black Man, an ex-slave. Take the time to read the whole speech, it is worth your time and patience. Abraham Ola

This is one of THE MOST IMPORTANT speeches ever given by a Brilliant Black Man, an ex-slave.  Take the time to read the whole speech, it is worth your time and patience.  Abraham Ola    What to the Slave Is the Fourth of July? Read the full text of Black  Republican Frederick Douglass’ iconic speech. In 1852, the Rochester Ladies’ …

Woke Critical Race Theory as Reality Deficit Disorder

Woke Critical Race Theory as a Reality Deficit Disorder Richard Gale & Gary Null PhD Progressive Radio Network, July 1, 2021 Let us be clear. The recent rise in Wokeness is another symptom of America’s “reality deficit disorder (RDD),” a condition that continues to proliferate across the American landscape since the Age of Enlightenment and the 19 th century’s advent …

The Woke Culture: The Pathology of Post-Modern Tribalism

The Woke Culture: The Pathology of Post-Modern Tribalism Richard Gale and Gary Null PhD Progressive Radio Network, June 28, 2021 In a recent article, “Critical Race Theory [CRT] is Worse than Marxism, the social thinker and author, Prof. Paul Gottfried, breaks ranks from his Alt-Right compatriots to argue that CRT “has nothing to do with traditional Marxism.”  “The swear words “Marxist” …

Gary Null Woke Articles

Awakening from a Culture of Adolescent Wokeness …   Welcome to the Woke Culture and its Nihilistic Agenda …   The Moral Panic of the Woke Generation   The New America of Terror and Discontent   The Clash of Crippled Ideologies is Leading to the Nation’s Demise     Society’s Problems are Deeper than Bad Police

Society's Problems are Deeper than Bad Police

Society's Problems are Deeper than Bad Police Gary Null PhD Progressive Radio Network, June 15, 2020 Growing up in the small West Virginian city of Parkersburg was like living in peaceful times where everyone knew their neighbors. The police did not wear bullet proof vests, carry semi-automatic weapons and taser guns, or bring in armored vehicles when there were social …

The Clash of Crippled Ideologies is Leading to the Nation’s Demise

The Clash of Crippled Ideologies is Leading to the Nation’s Demise Richard Gale and Gary Null, PhD Progressive Radio Network, October 7, 2020 One does not need to be an oracle to envision the future. All that is necessary is to examine our constraints and foibles. We are now facing a perfect storm of pain, suffering and destruction: financial inequality …

The New America of Terror and Discontent

The New America of Terror and Discontent Richard Gale and Gary Null PhD Progressive Radio Network, January 15, 2021 For the vast majority of Americans, the past year has been the most challenging in their lives – certainly for young adults.  However, not everyone has been suffering equally. The nation’s health or illness is not uniform. Much of our suffering is …

American Medicine, American Malfeasance

American Medicine, American Malfeasance    Richard Gale & Gary Null PhD Progressive Radio Network, June 24, 2021     An issue that is rarely discussed or given serious attention is the over-specialization in healthcare.  Modern medicine’s approach to identify and treat illnesses and tackle the reduction of infections has in many instances ceased to be multidisciplinary. Medicine has also become increasingly …

The Covid-19 Pandemic and the Corruption of Genuine Science

The Covid-19 Pandemic and the Corruption of Genuine Science Richard Gale & Gary Null PhD Progressive Radio Network, June 10, 2021 Medical science has made such tremendous progress that there is hardly a healthy human left. — Aldous Huxley For half a century, the pharmaceutical industry has shown near zero tolerance towards criticism against its unequivocal failures and medical catastrophes. …

Have the Architects of the Covid-19 Pandemic Lost Touch with Reality?

Have the Architects of the Covid-19 Pandemic Lost Touch with Reality?   Richard Gale & Gary Null PhD Progressive Radio Network, May 28, 2021   As the pandemic wages into its second year, two diametrically opposing movements have consolidated in defiance against each other. The dominant contingent, represented by Biden, Congress, Anthony Fauci, Bill Gates and the mainstream media, has …