Heart Attack Symptoms Not Be Noticed In Young Women

By, Kathleen Lees,  Science World Report Heart attacks are typically more common in older individuals, but it can happen in younger people, too. A new study conducted by Harvard researchers shows that younger women are far more likely to ignore warning signs than other groups. For the study, researchers studied young women between the ages of 30 and 55 who …

Florida police officer suspended after slapping homeless man

By, Louise Turner, Your News Wire A police officer in Fort Lauderdale was suspended after a YouTube video showed him slapping a homeless man. The Fort Lauderdale Police Department launched an internal investigation following the emergence of the video. Police Officer Victor Ramirez has now been suspended with pay and may face criminal charges. The incident occurred lace at the …

New Technology Will Triple Smartphone Battery Life

By, Jay McGregor, Forbes The brilliance, power and sheer innovative genius of your smartphone is always balanced by the terrorising and ever present ‘low battery’ sound. At every smartphone launch, every time I get my hands on a new handset, my childlike awe is immediately tempered by the crushing reality of how much power the new gimmicks will drain. Battery …

Diet May Be As Important To Mental Health As It Is To Physical Health

By, Carolyn Gregoir, Huffington Post We know that food affects the body — but could it just as powerfully impact the mind? While the role of diet and nutrition in our physical health is undeniable, the influence of dietary factors on mental health has been less considered. That may be starting to change. For the first time, a report by …

Behind New Dietary Guidelines, Better Science

By, Aaron E. Carroll. The New York Times For decades, many dietary recommendations have revolved around consuming a low percentage of your daily calories from fat. It has been widely thought that doing so would reduce your chance of having coronary heart disease. Most of the evidence for that recommendation has come from epidemiologic studies, which can be flawed. Use …

Venezuelan 14-Year-Old Shot Dead During Anti-Government Protest

By, The Guardian A 14-year old Venezuelan schoolboy has died after being shot in the head during an anti-government protest in the country’s restive western region. Preliminary investigations suggest the boy, named variously as Kluiverth or Kluiver Roa, was injured during a confrontation between police and protesters in the city, and died on the way to the hospital, according to …

Video Shows Police Brutality On A Terminally Ill Man In Front Young Children

By, Matt Agoris, The Free Thought Project Morgantown, WV — A kind-hearted woman with a cellphone captured the horrific scene of a man choking on his own blood, in front of his children, while pinned under three cops. According to police they were responding to a report of child abuse. Police say when they approached Jeffery Bane, 39, that he …

Children Have Fewer Allergies When Families Do Dishes by Hand

By, Cari Nierenberg, Live Science Doing dishes the old-fashioned way — by hand — might help curb a modern-day problem: rising rates of childhood allergies, a new study suggests. Researchers in Sweden found that children living in families that hand-washed their dishes were about 40 percent less likely to develop allergies compared with kids in homes that used a dishwasher, …

How to Make College Cheaper

By, Steve Cohen, New York Times The soaring cost of college — a 1,225 percent increase since 1978, nearly twice the rate of the rise in health care costs — is such a problem for most families that politicians across the ideological spectrum are actually taking notice. President Obama has proposed making two years of community college free. Senator Bernie …

The Vaccine Safety Myth

By, Jamie Deckoff-Jones, MD,  Green Med Info Vaccines are proven safe, right? You may be surprised to find how non-evidence based this belief really is…. A few days ago, The Washington Post published an op-ed piece by a medical ethicist who thinks that all doctors who have concerns about vaccines should lose their licenses. Last week, it was parents who don’t …